The « republican » strategy in Nepal has collapsed, as it was predictable and announced – now the erroneus principles must be crushed (2006)

In a press statement on April 22, Prachanda did say that :

« In the historic period of today, when people’s republican movement has been marching towards its climax, our party again appeals specially the soldiers of « royal » army and police to display real patriotism by standing on the side of the people and against the national traitor & feudal butcher. The feudal butcher’s defeat and people’s victory is imminent and assured. »

But it was enough for the so called « republican alliance » to collapse that two days later the king put back the parliament; the « 7 democratic parties » accept the invitation of the King to come back to take theirs seats in the parlimant, without the CPN(m).

All the strategy of the Communist Party of Nepal (maoist) has collapsed as a card castle – not even two days after Prachanda said the « people’s victory is imminent and assured. »

This happened exactly like we forecasted and analyzed it in the documents :

–The nepalese revolution at a turning point : dare the new or « reform » the country?
–Nepal : lead the revolution till the end or be defeated by sugar-coated bullets?
— Nepal : Prachanda, follower of modern revisionnism

We did explain that Prachanda’s line was a « all for the front, all by the front » line; we showed of this line explained a reject of the principles of leadership of the Communist Party; how there was huge political economy problems for having considered possible an alliance with the « 7 democratic parites », historical fierce enemies of the revolutionaries.

Some did not want to listen, they thought they were stronger than the teachings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong; they were so proud of themselves that they even worked out a new ultra democratic ideology.

All these illusions have been sweeped by history. The only thing that remains for them is autocriticism or the collapse and the fall in the garbage of history.

These people claimed also through their organ, the « World people’s Resistance Movement », that there were no maoists in France, they pushed the constitution in France of a « communist party » that would be the lackey of these conceptions and that would serve as an international foil for the Rvolutionary CP of USA and Canada, for the Committtee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.

They thought they were the witch doctor managing the world revolution from their control tower – they only have been ideological smugglers.

Prachanda wanted to play Lenin, or at least Kerensky – he won’t be neither of them because history has no time for phantasmagoria.

History has never time for it.

Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist Maoist) April 2006

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