Les notions fondamentales de la grande guerre patriotique

Pour comprendre la guerre menée par l’URSS dirigée par Staline contre l’Allemagne nazie, il faut connaître plusieurs fondamentaux, sans quoi on passe totalement à côté de la démarche employée.

Il faut en effet saisir le principe d’art opérationnel produit par les théoriciens militaires soviétiques dans les années 1920, aboutissant au concept de guerre en profondeur. Cela exige qu’on connaisse l’expérience russe de la guerre napoléonienne, qui fut justement appelée grande guerre patriotique, expression reprise précisément pour la guerre de 1941-1945 en raison du strict parallèle existant.

Il est possible de prendre les échecs, un jeu particulièrement populaire en Russie, pour saisir adéquatement cette compréhension soviétique de la guerre, qui se fonde sur le matérialisme dialectique, alors à son étape marxiste-léniniste.

Aux échecs, il y a un objectif stratégique : la prise de contrôle du roi adverse.

Cette prise de contrôle s’effectue par une menace associée à l’impossibilité pour le roi de se déplacer pour y échapper.

Ce qu’on appelle tactique consiste en les choix élémentaires d’action. Par exemple, le cheval étant le seul à pouvoir sauter au-dessus des pièces, on peut commencer à le sortir dès le départ afin de pouvoir profiter de son action.

Ce qu’on appelle art opérationnel est la combinaison d’éléments tactiques.

La défense dite ouest-indienne consiste par exemple à sortir le cheval, avancer un pion pour permettre d’avancer le fou qui protège le cheval et menace potentiellement tout une ligne. On ajoute à cela le « roque », qui permet d’intervertir d’un seul coup les emplacements du roi et de la tour, au prix du décalage d’une case. On a alors une solide défense à la suite de toute une opération de tactiques combinées.

Il y a ensuite la question de la guerre en profondeur. L’idée est la suivante : il ne suffit pas d’avoir de bons éléments tactiques correctement associée de manière opérationnelle. Il faut également avoir en vue le long terme. Dans ce cadre, un échec apparent à court terme peut s’avérer contribuer très fortement au succès par la suite.

Ici, le cheval est placé de telle manière à se sacrifier. C’est une perte à court terme, un déséquilibre en termes de pièces essentielles par rapport à l’adversaire, mais l’idée est de déstructurer toute la défense au moyen de cette action. Si le cheval est effectivement pris, les noirs se retrouvent dans une posture catastrophique plusieurs coups après, leur défense étant désorganisée.

Ces différents aspects sont à maîtriser pour comprendre les modalités soviétiques de la grande guerre patriotique. Sans cela, on ne peut pas du tout comprendre les choix soviétiques et on aboutit à des fantasmes explicatifs.

Le film Stalingrad de Jean-Jacques Annaud, sorti en 2001, reprend ainsi les idées totalement fausses d’une armée rouge utilisant des « vagues humaines » comme sacrifices pour aller à la victoire, avec à l’arrière des commandos exterminant ceux refusant d’avancer.

C’est une expression directe d’une incompréhension complète de l’art opérationnel soviétique et du principe de guerre en profondeur.

=>Retour au dossier sur la grande guerre patriotique

Compassion and empathy: living matter at the heart of dialectical materialism

Where does the sensation come from ? Such a question is a typical
error, the produce of the feudal and the bourgeois approaches, which separate the brain and the body.

The feudal conception separates them totally, whereas the bourgeois way links them in a tormented way.

Both consider that the question of the sensation is connected to the body, to the interpretation of the body by the brain. A feeling, a sensation, can not exist in itself; it has an existence only in the case of an interpretation by an individual.

The reason for this anthropocentrism resides in Metaphysics. For the feudal
conception, the mind must leave the body and join the origin of the world, God, which is immaterial.

For the bourgeois conception, we can not explain the origin of the world, so we should restrain us in elaborating theory about the relationships we make with reality.

Life is seen through individuals, through their relationships. There is no world, no nature, only a world, a nature existing insofar we have a relationship to them.

This conception was necessary to the bourgeois to justify the existence of the capitalist, which is an individual acting through his own understanding of its surrounding reality.

Protestantism is here the main ideological construction of this approach.

Nowadays, existentialism and all the post-modernist variants that exist support a terrorist version of this self-centeredness, this vision of the world based merely on the individuals.

Therefore, in the history of science dominated by the bourgeoisie, it was always considered that animals know no pain. They are considered as mere mechanisms, by Descartes and Malebranche notably, without a “conscience”.

Of course, this wrong conception proved more and more wrong, through the affirmation of democratic and socialist thought.

One major historical event here is when, on 10 December 1907, in a turmoil following an dissection of a living brown dog in London, 1,000 medical students marched through central London waving effigies of a brown dog on sticks, justifying and promoting vivisection, attacking for this reason suffragettes and trade unionists fighting against vivisection.

Two conceptions of the world struggled. Nowadays, the sensation of pets are recognized, but they are still mistreated; the sensation of vertebrates is also recognized but they are considered as of minor interest.

Moreover, the sensation of fishes and invertebrates are openly negated, in the name of the nervous system and the brain, in an anthropocentric conception.

On the contrary, dialectical materialism connects living matter to sensation.
In Materialism and Empirio-criticism, Lenin deals with this question among others, and remembers us this important question :

“There still remains to be investigated and reinvestigated how matter, apparently entirely devoid of sensation, is related to matter which, though composed of the same atoms (or electrons), is yet endowed with a well-defined faculty of sensation.

Materialism clearly formulates the as yet unsolved problem and thereby
stimulates the attempt to solve it, to undertake further experimental investigation.”

Lenin says also that we have certainly to go in the direction of considering that, in the foundation of the structure of matter, we can surmise the existence of a faculty akin to sensation, like Denis Diderot did it.

And indeed, compassion and empathy are a proof of it. What is the dialectical materialist conception of reflect? That thebrain reflects reality; what we think is an echo.

But, if René Descartes and Emmanuel Kant are right, if each individual is like surrounded by a Chinese wall, how is it possible to feel what somebody else feels? How are compassion and empathy possible ?

This is only possible because living matter knows sensations; sensations are linked to the principle of echo, of movement of matter.

That is why a revolution can occur: the masses have synthesized, at different levels, the same vision of the world, corresponding to reality.

Revolution occurs at the general level, compassion and empathy at the individual levels, but their foundation is the fact that matter and sensation can not be separated.

Living matter is therefore at the heart of dialectical materialism, as it is a developed form of matter, a direction which corresponds to the auto-movement of matter itself to more complexity.

This is the reason why we have to recognize, cherish and defend the dignity of reality of nature, of the animals, of each living being, which correspond to the auto-development of matter, and participate in the global system of life on our planet as a Biosphere.

Dialectical Materialism and the Universe

The universe consists of the infinite and eternal process of the reflection of matter by the matter and for the matter.

Matter is indeed sensitive and knows in itself an impression shaping it to different degrees.

This difference in the marking of the reflection has as its source in the fact that the universe is in motion and that it is through it that the reflections and impressions are carried.

This movement and the many aspects of reality make that reflections and
impressions know different rhythms, different magnitudes.

We can say that the universe is the reflection of itself in an uninterrupted
process of transformations.

Its nature is the equivalent of an infinite ocean where everything is reflected in an uninterrupted movement of waves at all levels, at all scales.

This process of reflections and impressions within a moving universe, with all its different aspects of matter, is thus characterized by unequal development.

The inequality of the markings of the reflection, of the impression, causes
situations of imbalances.

There is movement because unequal development, and uneven development because movement.

The main aspect depends on the stage of the process.

On the one hand, the impression of reflection in matter results in making it
more complex on the internal plane.

On the other hand, the uneven nature of this impression provokes breaks. The break is precisely what characterizes a process leading to a transformation as a qualitative leap.

There is concretely neither cause nor consequence, but only an internal transformation resulting in a greater complexity of matter, an enlargement of its impressions, an increase in the power of its reflections, one or more moments of rupture, a qualitative leap.

It is this movement of internal transformation reflected from matter in matter which itself inscribes impressions and produces changes. And what takes place internally is the contradiction brought to its conclusion.

The law of contradiction, with two poles opposed in a relative manner or not, expressing uninterrupted antagonistic relations, belongs to the general and universal movement of matter.

There is neither beginning nor end, because no process is isolated.

The reflection and the impression are generalized and uninterrupted; every phenomenon is related, in different ways and to different degrees, to all the other phenomena.

In the universe, everything is constantly transformed, with transformations whose reflection causes impressions, which themselves produce reflections, which provoke impressions, and this to infinity.

There is consequently neither cause nor consequence.

The process of transformation is dialectical, it unites the particular and the
universal, the relative and the absolute, all being bound together and at the same time unbound in an infinite and eternal process.

Any transformation is added to other transformations and is reflected in them, producing interaction, liaison, mediation.

Nothing is so isolated and independent.

Everything is mutually connected and interdependent, constantly transformed and transforming, by the reflection, by the impression.

Absolutely everything is reflection and reflection of reflection, and this to infinity.

Matter is inexhaustible and ever more complex, ever richer.

No turning back is possible, never, because the movement produces a series
of qualitative leaps that has resulted in a more developed form, more intertwined with the rest of the material.

What is called time is the description of transformation and what is called space is the description of matter, because the universe is only matter, always richer, ever more complex, ever more intertwined to an infinity of aspects of itself.

Any process obeys this mirror system. The most developed phenomena of nature and life correspond to major qualitative leaps in the complexification of matter on a large scale.

The two poles of electricity, molecular asymmetry in the domain of life in relation to the domain of non-living matter, action and reaction in mechanics, mirror neurons in brains, union and dissociation of atoms in chemistry, childhood and parenthood, the masculine and feminine, the class struggle in the modes of production… are examples of complex expression of the movement of matter and of a very high degree of
interplay with itself.

This process has no beginning or ending.

There is no starting point to the universe, nor any point of arrival.

There is no « God », no Big Bang, no source, no beginning.

There is only a ever deeper movement of reflections and impressions, in a spiral movement, proceeding by jumps, characterized by unequal development at all levels, affirming the dynamic nature of the internal relations taking a contradictory dimension until the break.

In fact, not only are the developments unequal between them, but each development is itself unequal in itself, because of the different density of

The law of contradiction applies to the expression of the contradiction itself.
Nothing is therefore indivisible, nor eternal. One becomes two and that forever and everywhere.

As it is formulated in the article « The universe is the unity of the finite and the infinite », published in the Journal of the Dialectic of Nature in People’s China in the first half of the 1970s:

« The end of all concrete things, the sun, the Earth and humanity is not the end of the universe.

The end of the Earth will bring a new and more sophisticated cosmic body.

At that time, people will hold meetings and celebrate the victory of the dialectic and welcome the birth of new planets.

The end of humanity will also result in new species that will inherit all our achievements. In this sense… the death of the old is the condition of the birth of the new. »

Dialectical Materialism and Communism

Communism is the product of the movement of the synthesis of matter through leaps, that is to say that matter ceases to use itself in a partially
unproductive way to find a way to form an active whole.

By partially unproductive, we must understand that matter can only use
matter to develop itself, which implies that one aspect develops at the expense of another, within the framework of an uneven development.

The imbalance caused is resolved by a dialectical leap.

Mao Zedong tells us here that:

“Imbalance is a general and objective law. The cycle, which is endless, goes from imbalance to equilibrium and, again, from this one to the other.

Each cycle, however, corresponds to a higher level of development. The
imbalance is absolute, while the balance is temporary and relative.
The rupture of the balance is a leap forward.”

The capitalist mode of production thus permits the development of the productive forces, but this at the expense of the proletarians; socialism is the negation of it and the communism which prolongs it is then humanity
applying the principle of each according to his means, to each according to his needs.

There is however no negation of negation and socialism organized by humanity does not mean that it is alone to march to communism.

In reality, for dialectical materialism, the whole universe goes to Communism. Dialectically, this means that the entire universe has also gone to communism.

Matter is eternal and infinite; it is inexhaustible.

Consequently, it has already undergone a dialectical evolution, by means of transformations, since this is its very nature. It therefore implies that it has already known and that in every great step, every leap forward, it knows
a communist leap.

This communism consists in the universalization of the means of production of a material form, its synthetic combination. Any rise in the complexity of matter on a certain level corresponds to a communist assertion.

Mountains, galaxies, plants and animals are examples of synthetic leaps corresponding to a communist stage. We have an affirmation of a complex and organized system, a pooling of multiple contradictory aspects of the matter.

These complex systems themselves have a past made up of steps that established the elements that were going to synthesize.

The separate elements combine; they form a harmonious whole and at the same time obey an internal contradiction involving them in a development.

This development is itself uneven and this explains the different galaxies, the different mountains, the different plants, the different animals. The systematization of the production of a complex system is itself uneven.

These are not nature tests or nature errors; it is a reality of any development to be unequal.

Any process takes advantage of a process which has by definition been
unequal in itself to produce a more complex form, through an equally
unequal development.

This past is infinite, as much as the future. The process is endless, its
aspects infinite.

Matter, based on the inequalities of development of its different aspects, knows an infinite development by the affirmation of contradictions leading to a communist leap, producing new forms which themselves bring more
complexity in the general development.

Any jump does not correspond to a communist stage.

But each leap contains, in germ, the tendency to the leap forward towards
the communist nature of the system.

The communist stage is distinguished from the others by a unification where the contradiction ceases to be antagonistic between different aspects to allow a harmonious development – which corresponds to the development of new contradictions, which are different from the previous ones, which have shifted.

This displacement is done by placing the new form in new relationships with the rest of the material.

Each mountain, each galaxy … is the fruit of an internal contradiction, and its realization as a complex form produces a new contradiction with other aspects of matter, for example the galaxy with another galaxy, the
mountain with a river, etc.

The initial internal contradiction, allowing the advent of a new one, of a more complex form, then moves towards the dialectical relationship between the new thing and another thing, forming a new internal contradiction.

The article « The Universe is the unity of the finite and the infinite », published in the Journal of the dialectic of Nature at the time of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China, presents the new relationship which established itself as follows:

« The end of all concrete things, the sun, the Earth and humanity is not the end of the Universe. The end of the Earth will bring a new and more sophisticated cosmic body.

At that time, people will hold meetings and celebrate the victory of the dialectic and welcome the birth of new planets.

The end of humanity will also signify that species will inherit all of our achievements. In this sense… the death of the old is the condition for the birth of the new. « 

Communism therefore generalizes on ever more complex levels, because matter transforms itself and its interaction at a complex level deepens, becomes systematized. In this sense, there is no negation of negation, no end of history, nor indeed beginning. There is communism for communism, matter for matter.

The universe is an infinite system where complexity develops in leaps and
bounds. The Japanese physicist Shoichi Sakata, in Theoretical Physics and
Dialectics of Nature,
in June 1947, defines his conception of the Universe
as an onion, greeted by Mao Zedong:

“Current science has found that in nature there exist qualitatively different “levels »-the form of motion — , for example, a series of the levels such as elementary particles — nuclei — atoms — molecules — masses — heavenly bodies — nebulae.

These levels form various nodal points which restrict the various qualitative modes of existence of matter in general. And thus they are not merely related in a straightforward manner as described above.

The “levels” are also connected in a direction such as molecules — colloids — cells — organs — individuals — societies. Even in the same masses, there exist “levels” of states corresponding to solids-liquids-gases.

Metaphorically speaking, these circumstances may he described as having a sort of multi-dimensional structure of the fish net type, or it may be better to say that they have the onion-like structure of successive phases.

These levels are by no means mutually isolated and independent, but they are mutually connected, dependent and constantly “transformed” into each other. For example, an atom is constructed from elementary particles and a molecule is constructed from atoms, and conversely the decompositions of a molecule into atoms, an atom into elementary particles can be made.

These kinds of transformations occur constantly, with the creation of new quality and the destruction of others in ceaseless changes.”

The universe is an infinite ocean of contradictions raising matter to a more complex level, bringing richer contradictions, allowing an ever richer combination of matter, more sensitive, more complex, and this in all

It’s the meaning of communism.

The MLPD, state monopoly capitalism and the question of imperialist war

The MLPD, Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany, is the only Marxist-Leninist structure to have maintained itself since the 1960s and 1970s in West Germany. It was one of the main initiators of the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations (ICOR), regrouping since 2010 some fifty structures claiming to be Marxist-Leninist and, most of the time, in one way or another, uphelding Mao Zedong.

The line of the MLPD and of the ICOR is classically neo-revisionist: revisionism is denounced, but in reality it is revisionism itself which is assumed. We can see this very simply with the thesis of “state monopoly capitalism”. This thesis is revisionist. State monopoly capitalism would be a new stage of imperialism.

The state would have acquired a great level of independence from the classes, it would be “rational” and by relying on it, capitalism would reach an “organized” stage. The state, through the socialization of losses, would prevent monopoly capitalism from sinking.

Developed by Eugen Varga, this thesis was strictly rejected in the immediate post-war period in the USSR, as part of a great ideological battle. Then, Nikita Khrushchev made it an official device of the revisionist ideology. And, unfortunately, most Marxist-Leninist organizations defining themselves as anti-revisionists in Western Europe have maintained this thesis of “state monopoly capitalism”.

This is the case with the MLPD.

The MLPD does not say that the state is neutral and that it could be wrested from monopoly capital. This distinguishes it from those practicing open revisionism. However, it maintains the thesis of “state monopoly capitalism” theorized by Eugen Varga as a new stage of imperialism. Willi Dickhut, the main theorist of the MLPD since its founding in 1982 and until his death in 1992, fully assumed it in 1973 and this position is documented
by the MLPD itself in 2019.

The MLPD says exactly the same thing as Eugen Varga and this thesis was strictly rejected by the USSR at the time of Stalin, in a vast controversy. Here is how the MLPD presents it:

“In connection with the Second World War, there was a qualitative leap: in all imperialist countries the transition from monopoly capitalist imperialism to monopoly state imperialism has matured.”

This thesis is totally revisionist, historically indefensible from the communist point of view, since it was proposed by Eugen Varga, denounced by Stalin’s USSR, assumed by revisionism in the USSR and systematized in all revisionist parties in the world. The idea of a “qualitative leap” in the history of imperialism was rejected by Stalin. There has never been any talk of a new stage of imperialism.
The consequences must be understood.

Indeed, Eugen Varga’s thesis of “state monopoly capitalism” implies that the state systematically comes to the rescue of monopolies, being even only an appendage to them. The activity is therefore the same as that of the Western European revisionists of the 1960s: the regime should be “unmasked”.

The MLPD says in 2017:

“Bourgeois democracy masks that we live in Germany in a state monopoly capitalism, a dictatorship of monopolies.”

And since we are already living in a dictatorship of monopolies according to the MLPD, then the communist analysis of fascism disappears. There can no longer be any attempt by the monopolies to take control of the state by means of fascism, since the monopolies already have the power. The monopolies therefore wrest the necessary profit thanks to the “organizing” State making society pay. No more need for fascism, no more need for
imperialist war.

The thesis defended by Stalin in 1952 on the inevitability of wars for capitalism, specifically targeting Eugen Varga, is rejected.

Instead, we have the 1920s socialist thesis of so-called organized capitalism.
The MLPD fully accepts this conception and, to satisfy its formulation, has put in place several concepts: the “surmonopoly”, the “sole domination of international financial capital”, the formation of new imperialist countries, the “proletarian way of thinking”.

The MLPD says:

“The international financial capital alone dominant is a small disappearing layer of the bourgeoisie, which is formed by groupings of the international surmonopolies with different national-state bases and links.”

By “surmonopolies”, the MLPD means the 500 most powerful companies in the world. They would form an “international financial capitalism” dominating capitalism on a world scale and supported by states subject to them. Not only non-monopoly capital, but even monopoly capitalist is subject to these “surmonopolies”. And these surmonopolies have not
only merged their own organs with those of the state apparatus, they have pushed for the dismantling of the states themselves.

This is the thesis of organized capitalism theorized by social democracy in the 1920s, with ultra-imperialism forming alongside the possibility of world socialism, and modernized in the 1940s with the thesis of “State monopoly capitalism”.

To unmask this organized capitalism, it would be necessary, according to the MLPD, to have a “proletarian way of thinking”, which would make it possible to discover the real situation. But, quite logically, the only possible revolution is against these “surmonopolies” and we then arrive at the Trotskyist thesis of the unitary world revolution. The program of the MLPD is explicit:

“Under the conditions of internationalized production, the socialist revolution will take an international character. The international collaboration of the imperialists in the organization of the counter-revolution and the interaction with the international class struggle make that today it is practically impossible that an isolated revolutionary process in a country can be carried out victoriously (…).

In this world revolutionary process, there will be in indissoluble interaction mass strikes, mass demonstrations, anti-imperialist, democratic and revolutionary struggles and uprisings.

This is why the proletarian strategy and tactics in each country must essentially be understood and carried out as preparation for the international socialist revolution.”

This is Trotskyism.

And then remains a fundamental problem to explain for the MLPD: why is there still a very clear tendency to war which emerges?

An explanation was to be found. The MLPD then says the following thing: yes, war is inevitable in capitalism, because the states compete for their interests. This is not Lenin’s teaching at all.

Leninism explains that imperialism is the superstructure of national capitalism. The imperialist war is therefore carried by capitalism itself, because once developed, the monopoly fraction prevails.

It was therefore necessary for the MLPD to break this definition and broaden the concept of an imperialist country. Stefan Engel, leader of the MLPD, publicly expressed this “broader” concept in 2011.

Would be henceforth imperialist countries Saudi Arabia, Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, India, Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Argentina, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Iran. Added to this must be China and Russia, as well as Israel, which the MLPD already considered as imperialist.

We immediately see the paradox, since the MLPD itself explains that these 14 countries bring together 3.7 billion people, more than half of the world’s
population. If we therefore add the population of the remaining imperialist countries (United States, Western European countries, Japan), then not living in an imperialist country would only affect 35% of the world population!

Here is completely reversed the principle of uneven development and the parasitic nature of imperialism. Besides that, the MLPD does not recognize the concept of a semi-feudal semi-colonial country, speaking of “neo-colonialism”. The MLPD needs all this fiction to pretend that it has not left communist teachings. The MLPD thus denounces the war, saying that it is the result of competition between imperialists.

What the MLPD does not directly confess, however, is that according to this conception, this competition takes place in what is called the “world imperialist system”. For the MLPD, this is a kind of by-product of the world domination of the “surmonopolies”.

It is therefore the fruit of state militarism in search of territories to be controlled – we come back here to Rosa Luxembourg’s erroneous thesis that an imperialist war is based only on the principle of conquering territories to widen the accumulation of capital.

For the MLPD, there is a global, unified imperialism, and within it competition between states. This is why countries without industrial production apart from oil and gas, such as Qatar or the United Arab Emirates, can be defined as “imperialist”. As they take a part of
the global « piece of the cake », they compete with others.

All this has nothing to do with the teachings of communism and the just understanding of the uneven development of semi-feudal semi-colonial countries, recognizing that there are indeed differences between Gabon and South Korea, Chile and India. Nevertheless, a semifeudal semi-colonial country can only be transformed into expansionism and not into
imperialism, because it is itself linked to one or more imperialist countries.

Iran practices expansionism, as does Israel, but neither the one nor the other is an imperialism. This responds to the specific needs of bureaucratic capitalism in crisis, which needs to get out of it by war. But their semi-feudal and semi-colonial dimension is obvious.

The weight of religions in institutions alone shows the undemocratic dimension present, the maintenance of backward social structures, incompatible with liberated capitalism and going as far as imperialism. There is indeed a tendency towards war, but it is not imperialism in substance or else one distorts the notion of imperialism by reducing it to a bourgeois definition of « geopolitics ».

This is why, beyond a few rhetorical remarks, the MLPD does not make imperialist war one of its favorite themes. The imperialist wars is for it only a secondary aspect, specific to the internal competition of states for in a “world imperialist system”. This is an entirely revisionist analysis.

Dialectical materialism and the non-linear character of movement

Movement has by definition a non-linear nature. If this were not the case, it would necessarily tend inversely to linearity and therefore to the abolition of movement as such. As movement does not imply the abolition of movement as a universal principle specific to matter, but the abolition of the matter which carries movement, that is to say its transformation since its abolition is impossible.

There is always movement, because there is always matter. But so that the movement does not stop, without which there would be no more matter expressing it, it must be the matter itself which stops, and as it cannot stop, it is transformed. Matter carries movement, is abolished by movement, is constituted by movement.

But nothing can constitute matter. Therefore is matter movement and movement matter.

What is at stake here is the question of quality. A line, even an ascending one, does not evolve, it carries a uniform direction. And who says uniform direction says absence of rupture. Even a movement uniformly experiencing breaks would, by definition, have no breaks due to its continuous dimension. It can therefore not exist.

Therefore, the break is not sufficient in itself to go beyond the principle of a linear movement.

If we take a uniform line, we have no breaks.

If you accept the breaking principle and integrate it into the movement, then you have a leap, but only in terms of form. This jump only adjusts the direction, corrects it, it is a qualitative correction of the quantitative. The break applies to development, to its expression – but it is not development itself.

A break, a qualitative leap, is not enough to formulate quality.

A qualitative leap knows quality, it is not quality. A jump is not quality in itself.

__ ∕

Concretely, we can see in the development of the phenomena that there is advance, retreat, revolution, restoration, counter-restoration. The final transition to a higher stage is never unilateral. It is never linear.

It is never linear either with a single « jump », since there are backslides, a push forward, a counter-push, etc.

So there is not simply a « break » in the course of development. There is not a trend, then suddenly a qualitative acceleration breaking with this trend while continuing it. This can only be a summary description, losing the substance of quality.

What is at stake here is the contradiction between the new and the old. If we stop at it, we have the principle of rupture, in a way however formal.

This contradiction in fact also implies the contradiction of the phenomenon with itself. There is no abstract struggle between the new and the old, only a concrete struggle.

This contradiction in fact also implies the contradiction of the phenomenon with itself. There is no abstract struggle between the new and the old, only a concrete struggle.

The development being internal, the crisis does not occur from the outside, bringing about a transformation, but inside and it is carried by the inside itself; in fact it is the interior itself.

Any development of a phenomenon is a crisis carried by an internal tear. It is not the « form » of the phenomenon that is affected by the crisis, but the contradictory substance of the phenomenon that carries it.

There is therefore no linear movement, because the movement itself undergoes a change in nature by the change in the substance of what carries it.

The changing movement is the changing matter, the changing matter is the changing movement. Movement is transformation of matter and transformation of matter is transformation of movement.

Thus, there is a contradiction between the change in the nature of the movement and the change in the substance that carries it. The old wears the old movement, the new the new movement. But the old and the new are one and the same phenomenon, thus carrying so contradictory both the old and the new movements.

There are thus:

– contradiction within the phenomenon (or more adequately contradiction of the phenomenon), producing the movement;

– contradiction within the phenomenon, between the old and the new;

– contradiction between the new movement and the old, within the phenomenon;

– contradiction between the old movement and the new, within the phenomenon;

– contradiction between the movement and the phenomenon.

There is no negation of negation, because each stage constitutes a qualitatively new terrain. There is no linear movement, nothing is linear, everything comes under the non-linear character – including the non-linear character.

This is because the contradiction is always concrete – there is no movement in itself – it is the dignity of the real that prevails.

Dialectical Materialism and viruses

Viruses, the most common organisms on Earth, can only be understood in their relationship to living things; they are in fact not able to carry out metabolic processes, because they do not have any of the physiological mechanisms necessary for the implementation of these processes. They cannot reproduce or feed on their own.

A virus simply consists of a protein capsule protecting a DNA or RNA. It can only reproduce by means of a host, from which it diverts part of the operation for its own benefit. In doing so, it can also cause its own genetic code to intrude into that of its host.

Viruses, by their massive spread on the planet, are a key in biochemical exchanges; at least 8% of homo sapiens DNA is viral from its origin. The placenta owes its function to viral DNA.

This fact alone completely ruins bourgeois conceptions of heredity as « fixed », frozen, separated from reality, etc.

Viruses form, concretely, a pivot in the more complex development of matter.

This material always comes from the universal unity of the processes as well as from the qualitative character of the movement, while being carried out in a particular way and through quantity.

It must be understood that there is nothing existing in a separated way and that nothing is regressing in its development. What is called “disease” is therefore improperly defined, because the negative effects are completely secondary to the main aspect of the general process of complexification of matter which involves dialectical relationship.

Only a small minority of viruses are thus pathogenic to humans, even though they form a material aspect of the utmost importance. It is an expression of uneven development.

The types of viral populations in the ocean are at least 200,000 and it is predicted that they would be a billion. In the ocean, the number of viruses per milliliter of water is estimated to be between 10 exponent 6 and 10 exponent 8 (between one and one hundred million).

These viruses play an essential role in the ocean in their relationship to bacteria and living things; their role is still unknown, but it appears that they regulate the bacterial population, that of micro-algae and even living beings.

In other words, the decomposition resulting from the activity of viruses has a biogeochemical activity, playing on food in the oceans, the equilibria of the beings therein, neutralizing the development of bacteria, having an essential function in the presence of CO2 on Earth through activity in the carbon cycle (by capturing carbon to transform it as sediment in the seabed).

Many chemical elements are still involved here in the activity of viruses in the ocean (phosphorus, sulfur …) and research is new, dating from the very end of the 20th century and the very beginning of the 21st century.

It wasn’t until the 1930s that we were able to see viruses, using electron microscopes; it was not until the beginning of the 21st century that viruses, like the bacteria, appeared as an essential scientific field.

If this statement is true on the level of practical studies, dialectical materialism had already noted the nature of viruses in the early 1950s, within the framework of the socialist USSR led by Stalin, and had asked the question of their role in biogeochemical processes.

In a summary on dialectical materialism of 1953, Peter Belov, in his article On the primacy of matter and the secondary character of consciousness, says that:

“The data of advanced modern science as to the essence and origin of life can be briefly summarized as follows.

Living is not something random on earth. The totality of all living things on earth – the biosphere – is a natural product of the geochemical development of the planet’s surface.

The biosphere continues to play an essential and extremely important role in all the other geochemical processes of the earth’s crust, determining the nature of the rock formation, the formation of the soil, the composition of the atmosphere and in general the distribution of the chemical elements in the upper layers of the earth’s crust, hydrosphere, atmosphere.

“Living organisms, from a geochemical point of view, are not an accidental fact in the chemical mechanism of the earth’s crust; they constitute its most essential and inseparable part. They are inextricably linked to the inert matter of the earth’s crust, minerals and rocks … The great biologists have long been aware of the inextricable link that connects the body to its surrounding nature.” (V.I. Vernadsky, Essays on geochemistry, State Publishing House, 1927)

Living things are made up of the same chemical elements that make up the rest, the mineral part of nature.

The composition of a living body includes almost all of the chemical elements (including radioactive) in the periodic table, some largely, some in smaller proportions. But whatever the quantitative proportion of certain chemical elements in the composition of the protoplasm (their presence in organisms is only detected by spectral analysis), they however also play an important role in the life of the protein, their absence leads to death of the body.

Modern advanced natural sciences (astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology) have fully exposed the idealist theories of “eternity of life”, “panspermia”, etc. Life on earth is of terrestrial origin, the result of an extremely long natural synthesis of increasingly complex organic substances (…). The Living is inseparable from the conditions of its existence and can only be conceived as a product of the development of these conditions themselves.”

The question that inevitably arises here is that of placing the virus: is it an organism falling under living matter or is it inert matter?

Virologist Konstantin Sukhov rightly noted in 1950 in the journal Questions of philosophy that:

“The self-reproduction of viral particles marks their capacity to assimilate and is a quality that fundamentally distinguishes them from bodies of inanimate nature.

At the same time, due to the simplicity of their organization, viruses retain a number of properties which make them extremely close to molecular substances.

This includes their ability to crystallize and their chemical reactivity.

At this stage of the development of living matter, life turns out to be reversible, it can completely stop and resume depending on environmental conditions.”

This point of view is essential, because it poses the viruses “in the middle” of inert matter and living matter.

There are two opposing points of view here, indeed, in the socialist USSR at the time of Stalin, implying themselves a whole conception which, if it is wrong, shakes up the scientific perspective itself.

If we say that viruses come from inert matter or living matter, there is indeed a compulsory validation from a parallel point of view.

The question arises in the following way: either it is said that viruses are not alive, but by-products of life, that they are basic living forms but having degenerated and having lost everything except their DNA. This places them in a subordinate role, consequent to the development of living matter and bringing them back to inert matter.

Or, on the contrary, it is said that viruses are part of the process of life itself, that they are there from the start in this process.

The Soviet biochemist Alexandre Oparin (1894-1980) considered for example that this second conception was wrong, because it would bring to consider that viruses would be a “brick” of life, which would lead to a metaphysical conception of a “creator” at the origin of such a brick.

Oparin was head on against Vernadsky here. Oparin reasoned in terms of “primordial soup” where living matter is inert matter experiencing a leap, while conversely Vernadsky considered that the universe had always known an opposition between living matter and inert.

However, Vernadsky had still not resolved the question of viruses in 1938; he then formulated the problem as follows in Inert matter, living bodies and biosphere:

“We have never observed a spontaneous generation of a living organism from inert bodies: the principle of F. Redi (all life comes from life) is never violated.

The concept of inert (dead) and living natural bodies as distinct natural objects is an ancient concept, taught over the millennia – a concept of common sense. It cannot be doubted and is clearly intelligible to all.

After centuries of scientific work, there have been very few doubtful cases where one wonders whether a specific natural body should be considered as a living or inert body, or whether a given natural phenomenon is a manifestation of living or non-living processes.

The issue of viruses is one of those rare cases, and it is probably the most profound illustration of this.”

Here is the problem. Oparin is right to say that there cannot be an absolute border between living matter and inert matter: this would be an absolutist idealism. However, it follows from his reasoning that viruses would be a regression, but a regressive process is not possible, since it is opposed to the principle of the dialectical movement.

Vernadsky is thus right to see in viruses a theoretical problem, but he sees himself blocked by his positioning opposing unilaterally inert matter and living matter.

In fact, the answer is in the question and Mao Zedong’s teachings on dialectical materialism, his insights into movement and its nature, make it clear.

There are two aspects, which has been well seen. First, it is clear that living matter requires an internal process and that viruses do not have it.

Friedrich Engels tells us about living matter, in the Anti-Dühring, in 1878, that:

Life is the mode of existence of albuminous bodies, and this mode of existence essentially consists in the constant self-renewal of the chemical constituents of these bodies.

The term albuminous body is used here in the sense in which it is employed in modern chemistry, which includes under this name all bodies constituted similarly to ordinary white of egg, otherwise also known as protein substances (…).

Wherever we find life we find it associated with an albuminous body, and wherever we find an albuminous body not in process of dissolution, there also without exception we find phenomena of life.”

There are no vital phenomena relating to viruses. So it seems that viruses do not come from life, from living matter.

However, at the same time, viruses have DNA or RNA, which inert matter does not have. Viruses are capable of having a direct relationship with living matter, while inert matter has an indirect relationship.

This is where the key lies. Vernadsky is wrong to oppose living matter to inert matter, but Oparin is wrong to assimilate them by saying that one comes from the other. Indeed, by doing so, he himself opposes one to the other and returns to Vernadsky’s unilateral idealism.

The latter is moreover more materialist despite his idealism, because he recognizes the dignity of the real: in opposing in the past living matter to inert matter, he is wrong, but in opposing them today he is right because it allows us to understand their combination, their dialectical relationship in a whole which is the Biosphere.

By opposing one to the other, Oparin is materialist because he says that matter comes from matter, but he loses the dialectic because he separates living matter and inert manner unilaterally and therefore misses the leap made by matter.

His point of view is thus regressive compared to that of Vernadsky, because it breaks the unity of matter and arrives at an abstract schematism where inert matter would have remained after all “behind”.

Viruses are, in such a framework, the proof of the leap in matter and at the heart of the contradiction that this leap implies.

Viruses are not either inert matter or living matter, they represent the expression of uneven development in the leap of matter bringing about the existence of living matter.

Viruses are the nexus of the inert and the living, of the spread of the complexification of life (by the transmission of DNA) and of death (by diseases and bacteriophage activities, massive in the ocean).

Viruses are fixed, they do not change in size, and yet they can transform, recombine. They have genetic material but cannot reproduce on their own.

They have a form depending of mineralogy but are turned towards the living.

Viruses are the nexus of the relationship between life and death, and as such a key to understanding the development of living matter as we know it.

The “primordial soup” of which Oparin speaks cannot exist in the past only, such a reading is anti-dialectic.

In reality, there is no negation of the negation, a break rejecting the legacy of the past, and the soup still exists, having experienced qualitative leaps. Viruses are at the heart of the contradiction of this soup where living matter and “inert” matter both attract and repel each other, as opposites.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a product of the capitalist mode of production

The emergence of a particular strain of coronavirus, never identified in humans, is no coincidence. It is a product – entirely new, a qualitative leap from the virus – of the collision between cities and countryside caused by the capitalist mode of production (CMP).

These cities and countryside are, moreover, themselves largely shaped by the CMP, which is true of the way of life of humanity in general. And all of this is happening on a planetary scale.

We should not therefore think that the health crisis comes from outside of humanity, from outside the CMP, on the contrary. It was born from within the CMP and from the world it formed in its image.

A world which is by no means finished, firm, stable, permanent … and which is collapsing under the blows of what is new, exponential, in rupture.

Capitalism is a mode of production now planetary

Capitalism is not only an economy, i.e. a particular distribution of property and a particular distribution of wealth. It is, more concretely, the way in which humanity socially finds the material means to exist and to develop.

It is a mode of production.

And having reached an immense development of the productive forces at the beginning of the 21st century, and being by nature universal, the CMP subjugates all planetary activities. Its consequences concern all aspects of life on Earth, all the time.

It was this historic situation that brought about the emergence of a new strain of coronavirus and gave it a global dimension.

It is this same historical situation that has brought global warming and the same goes for deforestation, the massive annihilation of wild animals, the massive use of animals in industry, the uncontrolled development of areas constantly expanding urban areas, etc.

The concrete origin of coronavirus disease 2019

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a direct result of the development of the CMP in China, a monopolist and bureaucratic development, with metropolises established in a short time and engulfing everything around them.

The city of Wuhan, where the virus originated, illustrates this. It had just under 1.5 million inhabitants in 1953, 2.2 million in the early 1970s. Then the restoration of capitalism in China brought about a complete change, transforming it into the megalopolis of central China.

The agglomeration had more than 4 million inhabitants in 1982, more than 8 million in 2000, practically 11 million in 2015. Wuhan integrates eight cities of significant importance in this agglomeration (Huangshi, Erzhou, Huanggang, Xiaogan, Xianning, Xiantao, Tianmen, Qianjiang).

This former French Factory is now even the Chinese model for urban development and is undergoing a massive operation to build road infrastructure (one metro line per year, 400 km high-speed commuter train, etc.).

This urban dimension is, however, only one aspect of the question. A third of the population still lives in the countryside, in an agglomeration where we find Carrefour, Auchan, Starbucks, Pizza Hut, KFC, etc.

Here we have an intermingling of cities, countryside, within the framework of an unbridled capitalist expansion.

The origin of the virus in the strict sense, it’s thus the massive urbanization of the area of Wuhan, with a use, for food, of animals both wild and from breeding, in a kind of general confusion where we no longer know what is cities, what is countryside.

This was the terrain, unnatural, favorable to the mutation of the virus, which passed from one species to another, then finally to the human species.

It is not an encounter with a disease not discovered so far – it is the confrontation of humanity with a disease resulting from a mutation, caused by the action of humanity itself.

The metropolis as the basis of the CMP

There is a Franco-Chinese « sustainable city » of 39 km² in Wuhan, a project set up during the presidency of François Hollande. 2018 was even « the Franco-Chinese year of the environment » and going to China on this occasion, Emmanuel Macron said the following:

« Urbanization is already a challenge for China and will be even more so tomorrow. France wishes to strengthen its partnerships in this area by developing the integrated offer that we have built for the sustainable city. »

This shows the convergence, on a world scale, of all the capitalist forces towards the strengthening of the metropolis. Today, the majority of humanity indeed lives in cities.

We should however more being talking of urban areas, as since the passage of the bourgeoisie in the reaction following its victory over feudalism, it is no longer able to create cities in the historical sense of the term, hence the great cultural interest for real cities in the strict sense (Paris, London, New York, Venice, Bruges, Amsterdam, Prague…), themselves also deeply disfigured by the CMP.

The metropolis with innumerable ramifications, despotic in its anonymity and entirely denatured, becomes the norm. It is the form most suited to the satisfaction of capitalist production and consumption, to the 24 hours a day of capitalism.

For our country, France, we can say that its symbol is the roundabout that dots the roads. We are there in the dynamics of the just-in-time, zero stock massively involving industrial zones in the countryside, in order to have an accelerated circulation and a better rotation of capital.

This leads to the destruction of nature and to the moral, cultural and psychological crushing of the workers. Karl Marx rightly speaks of :

“an accumulation of misery a necessary condition, corresponding to the accumulation of wealth. Accumulation of wealth at one pole is, therefore, at the same time accumulation of misery, the torment of labour, slavery, ignorance, brutalisation and moral degradation at the opposite pole, i.e. on the side of the class that produces its own product as capital.”

The historical city, that of the bourgeoisie, involved culture, exchanges, meetings. This is incompatible with the CMP, which is tyrannical and requires everything to be an ever deeper, broader, more perfected, faster trading relationship.

The modern city is now a place to live in isolation, seeking to make the most of its accommodation, if possible by buying a home. Everything is far, farther and farther away, whether it’s leisure, the possibilities of playing sports, shopping, people you can meet.

Everything is subject to a commercial relationship, everything must go through the CMP.

The limited nature of CMP in the face of coronavirus disease 2019

The CMP has only one logic: its own development. It does not proceed by choice, but by necessity, since its very existence depends on an uninterrupted and enlarged development of capital. Its only horizon is himself.

The CMP is the first to “regret” the 2019 coronavirus disease crisis (COVID-19), but at the same time if the same thing had to be done again, it would do it again. The CMP does not allow itself any retreat, any background analysis; it lives in the immediacy of its self-realization. It has no regard for itelf, being a system which is its own end in itself.

We can clearly see its limited character throughout the health crisis due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is new in its scale, and above all which is shocking because of its qualitative dimension. Researchers are overwhelmed, because the natural relationships between living things are upset and this causes health crises expressing a qualitative leap that exceeds them.

There has already been the emergence of the SARS-CoV virus through the masked palm civet and MERS-CoV through the dromedary. These jumps between species of virus, which are not found in a natural situation, become recurrent due to the situation imposed by the CMP.

For this reason, everyone has heard of HIV, Ebola, avian flu, swine flu. The so-called Spanish flu, which killed between 20 and 100 million people in 1918, is also of this type; cominh from an animal farm in the United States, it reflects the beginning of the generalization of the distorted relationship to life.

The CMP produces, by its action (and its inaction), destructive phenomena, born from the contradiction between it and life on Earth.

None of this, however, can be grasped by the CMP, which only identifies reality by means of statistics, « big data », quantitative data evaluation. The principle of qualitative development is foreign to the CMP.

Capitalism being not simply an « economy », but an unilateral mode of production, it responds to its own logic of accumulation and nothing else. It can only notice things, passively, remaining himself.

The CMP thus has an interest in having what it sees as potential natural resources, and therefore in preserving them – but on the other hand, it is obliged to integrate them, to quickly valorize them, to meet the needs of capital-based production and consumption.

The CMP also has every interest in ensuring that global warming does not cause massive unrest. However, at the same time, the CMP has its own priorities and considers that its own development takes precedence over any other consideration.

This is the reason why supporters of the CMP can indifferently say either that global warming does not count, or that capitalism must develop new markets to adapt. These are two pieces of the same coin consisting of the narrow character of the CMP.

The CMP collides with reality

The CMP has upset the whole natural relationship between life and its surroundings. Human labor had already caused upheavals, from agriculture and animal husbandry. With the development of the productive forces, however, the planet has changed entirely with the CMP.

Life concerned by the CMP was initially restricted, since there were only a handful of capitalist countries originally, along with the Netherlands and England, with underdeveloped productive forces.

Then followed a whole series of countries, like Belgium, France, Germany … and mainly the United States, with a material accumulation starting to be significant, while colonization upset the primitive economies all over the world.

There are economies which are not yet perfectly capitalist in the strict sense, but the CMP has fundamentally modified them in order to subordinate them. The situations of modern feudalism that exist in most countries of the world themselves fall within the framework of the CMP.

It is this modern feudalism that achieves deforestation in the Amazon, the massive use of fossil fuels in the Middle East, the cocoa monoculture in West Africa, that of palm oil in Indonesia and Malaysia, etc.

The human way of life within the CMP has not changed qualitatively over the decades. It is quantitatively that it has deepened and generalized.

And the quantitative is transformed, at a moment, into qualitative.

The 2019 coronavirus disease crisis (COVID-19) reflects that the CMP is starting to reach its limit: it is starting to undermine the whole reality, at all levels. It is no longer a realizing force, but a force of destabilization, of disturbances, of destruction.

The CMP is reaching its limit

The more the CMP develops itself, the more it confronts its limit, its inability to bring about the enlarged reproduction of life without entering into an antagonistic contradiction with life itself.

As long as capital is in the hands of particular people, it will irrationally seek its enlarged reproduction and produce a forced systematization of the valuation of capital – that is to say, the use of what exists, as much as possible, to bring about capitalist production, capitalist consumption.

The destruction of all that is natural is inevitable for a mode of production whose function is the dispersed, disorderly, systematic accumulation and by ever more powerful cycles, by an ever more unified and violent capital.

The 2019 coronavirus disease crisis (COVID-19) shows that the transformation of reality by the CMP has reached a global dimension and that the threshold of rupture has been reached.

There were already many telltale signs. The CMP seeks to force the course of things, to ensure that everything fits perfectly into it, even if it means being violently distorted, crushed, reshaped.

The CMP already literally dynamites the natural functioning of things. It distorts everything that exists to insert it into the capitalist market. This is true for animals used in industry, which are genetically modified for food and the pet industry.

This is true for vegetation and wild life in general, whose richness, multiplicity, abundance… are considered hostile by the CMP, because they are carriers of quality, irreducible to a simple quantitative reading.

This is true for the human way of life; there is just the need to think of the consumption of meat, the massive use of sugar and stimulating products (caffeine, theine), the generalization of processed products, the proliferation of specific markets (halal, kosher, gluten-free, meat-like products, etc.).

And even if working conditions have improved, they involve a far greater human tension, as well as a profound deformation of the personality. Night work alone has expanded considerably, affecting more than 15% of workers in France, with dire consequences for health.

The CMP concretely tries to modify its own material base, in order to avoid reaching its own historical limit, and by doing so it reaches it.

Because the CMP thus comes into contradiction with its own material base to force its own development – reality becomes antagonistic to the CMP.

World health crisis and communist affirmation

The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a global crisis that does not come from outside of the CMP, but from it, and at the same time it expresses itself in it. Capitalist accumulation takes place in a concrete way and it is this process of accumulation which itself brings the crisis, produces the crisis, is the crisis itself.

The CMP sees reality here lurching under its feet. It is forced to back off.

And the CMP backing off is humanity backing off – placing itself at the heart of historical contradiction, as source and resolution.

It is indeed humanity that carries the CMP. What the CMP is going through, humanity is going through, just like what humanity is going through, the CMP is going through.

Humanity, prisoner of the CMP, of its mechanisms, of the ideology which ensues from it, is confronted with a brutal awareness: reality rebels against it.

The onset of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a crisis shaking the very foundations of human participation in the activities of the CMP.

Humanity, which is a part from nature, is forced to drop out of the CMP which becomes an obstacle to life itself.

It’s the end of a whole movement. Humanity has come out of nature to assert itself as a species, but it must return to it by bringing the achievements of its own journey. This corresponds to the principle of uneven development.

What is called History is human history in its separate course from the Biosphere, that is, from all of life on Earth as a unified system.

The end of History, the passage to Communism, is his return to the History of the Biosphere, bringing to it what was acquired during its uneven development.

Communist transformation affects the human being at its very bottom. It brings it back to nature, as a complex social being.

It is both a tearing, but also a reintegration into the general process of the Biosphere.

Communist objectives

Produced by the CMP, the health crisis will have repercussions in it, causing disorganization, slowdowns, inevitable bankruptcies. This reveals all this fragility of the CMP construction, which comes to its term.

The CMP will obviously desperately seek to get out of there, at the expense of the masses, who will be further exploited and alienated. It will also mean stepping up the march to war for the distribution of the world, with at its heart the confrontation between the hegemonic American imperialist superpower and China wishing to divide the world in its favor.

However, this will not be enough, the limit being reached, the tilting threshold being reached.

What matters substantially is that the limit of the CMP is capital itself, always more incapable of valuing itself in reality, all the more if it rebels openly.

The CMP finds itself in the impossible situation to perpetually seek to circumvent the downward trend of the rate of profit. It tries to escape an overproduction of goods by the lack of continuity in the consumption cycle, to avoid the overproduction of capital, in the absence of field to develop itself.

The health crisis precipitates it all the more in the failure of its self-enlargement.

The CMP is effectively disappearing in front of the historic qualitative leap: the transition to world unification of humanity under the aegis of the working class, the adoption of the communist position in relation to nature.

It clearly follows from this revolutionary reading of the 2019 coronavirus disease crisis (COVID-19) that the following tasks are on the agenda, falling under the general communist program for our entire era:

1. Replacement of state apparatus by the democratic power of the people;

2. Dismantling of metropolises;

3. Cessation as far as possible of any destructive relationship with life on Earth;

4. Socialization without compensation of all monopolies;

5. Establishment of a world socialist republic;

6. Conquest of space in order to spread there life, from the Biosphere.

We are entering the decisive era, that of the second wave of the world revolution. We will be on the front line to make our country the example to follow to meet the challenges of our time!

This task is inevitable historically, the communist victory is assured by definition.

Long live Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

People’s War for Communism!

Communist Party of France (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist)

March 2020

Ajith’s bourgeois thesis on the social and natural reality of Covid-19

Since some years, Ajith is put forward as an intellectual by the Indian Maoists and the Maoist Communist Party of Italy. It is therefore very interesting to see what he has to say about the Covid-19 crisis, as its postmodern conception of the world can only appear in a more frankly manner. What we can see in its article Covid-19, its social roots are as important as the virus itself is indeed the expression of the negation of Dialectical Materialism.

Ajith doesn’t understand nothing about the principle of mode of production. So, he criticizes Capitalism under only one aspect, the one of health. Understanding that it’s not enough to appear as a Communist, he then salutes the article COVID-19 and Circuits of Capital published by Monthly Review.

This review is edited by a professor of sociology at the University of Oregon and was co-founded b Paul M. Sweezy by Paul M. Sweezy, a professor of economics at Harvard acquiring a certain fame for Monopoly Capital (1966) written with Paul A. Baran. We are in the intellectual bourgeois environement of the universities.

Ajith belongs exactly to this approach and this is why he hails the article of Monthly review, which would “ scientifically” analyze the imperialist relations giving birth to the Corona pandemic. Ajith shows that he’s a total failure.

The article of Monthly review is typically petty bourgeois. We would need rules and regulations in the world, good rules and regulations, which capitalism is not able to obey. Ajith agrees. Both Monthly Review and Ajith are, because of this approach, unable to understand both the mutation of the virus and the animal question.

Monthly Review says the following, which is completely wrong:

“We need to retain the shock we received when we learned another SARS virus emerged out of its wildlife refugia and in a matter of eight weeks splattered itself across humanity (…).

Ecosystems in which such “wild” viruses were in part controlled by the complexities of the tropical forest are being drastically streamlined by capital-led deforestation and, at the other end of periurban development, by deficits in public health and environmental sanitation (…).

What were once local spillovers are now epidemics trawling their way through global webs of travel and trade. By this parallax effect—by a change in the environmental background alone—old standards such as Ebola, Zika, malaria, and yellow fever, evolving comparatively little, have all made sharp turns into regional threats. They have suddenly moved from spilling over into remote villagers now and again to infecting thousands in capital cities.”

Ajith agrees totally and says:

“The crux of this essay may be summarised thus: Viruses that had been largely contained through the complexities of the tropical forests have entered the mainstream through the deforestation caused by capital, and deficits in public health and environmental sanitation.

In short, the changes in livelihood conditions and environmental conditions of the vast majority, caused by globalisation and neo-liberal policies, lie at the root of the present tragedy. Its primary solution is the destruction of the imperialist system and the success of the Communist project.”

Let’s put aside the fact that for Ajith Communism is a “project” and that evil consists in “globalisation and neo-liberal policies”. This is even too petty-bourgeois to be mentioned and it shows a clear problem about the level of political economy in some part of the world.

Let’s see here a new thing, very important: the fact that the Covid-19 virus is not seen as a mutation. There would be a reservoir of pathogen viruses and the deforestation would bring them in contact to us. The industrial farms are the intermediary for the spread.

This is totally wrong. The virus didn’t come from the wildlife. It knew a mutation. It was in the wildlife but then it changed. And it changed through the animal farms. This is why Dialectical Materialism can only have the conclusion that we need a leap in agriculture and this means the dismissal of the animal farms.

Monthly Review has a “logical” conclusion and not a “dialectical”: we must go back in the past. It doesn’t see the leap of the virus, sop it can not see the leap necessary in agriculture. We read in the article of Monthly Review a typical peasant-populist argumentation:

“If by its global expansion alone, commodity agriculture serves as both propulsion for and nexus through which pathogens of diverse origins migrate from the most remote reservoirs to the most international of population center (…).

We reintroduce the livestock and crop diversities, and reintegrate animal and crop farming at scales that keep pathogens from ramping up in virulence and geographic extent. We allow our food animals to reproduce onsite, restarting the natural selection that allows immune evolution to track pathogens in real time.”

This means only going backward in capitalism: as capitalism, when developed, comes to interference with nature, then we should go in the past, when production didn’t not have this level of development at a planetary scale. This is totally reactionary.

What we see here is typically petty-bourgeois. Neither Monthly Review nor Ajith understand that it is the animal question which has been raised. Living at the expense of living beings is not only morally wrong, but practically a suicide. In the past, using meat has a sense as a local source of protein. But with an agriculture at the planetary scale, it is nonsense.

So,we don’t need to look at the past and try to make again a “local” production, an autonomous consumption, which is a reactionary dream, an anti-capitalist Romanticism. We need to look at the future and accept the leap which consists in the planetary agriculture, abolishing animal farms.

12 emerging thesis on Québec

I The particular situation of North America in its relation to England

a) North America posed an historical problem to England, who had at first under-estimated the importance of the modernisations required to maintain its colonial and imperial domination on qualitatively more advanced economies than, for example, India’s. England’s failure led to the thirteen colonies’ independence and the formation of the United States. 61 years later, democratic-patriot rebellions almost costed England a second independence, on its Canadian territory this time.

b) England could relatively maintain its historical domination on Canada with an historical compromise due to the particular configuration of the property right, literally cutting the country in half. Canada didn’t exist in a unified way during the colonization process and the historical conditions of the part colonized by France were backward in comparison to England’s part. Thus, it is an unequal development that will shape Canada.

II The particular situation of French Canada

a) The french part of Canada, colonised under the aegis of the Compagnie de la Nouvelle-France (also named Compagnie des Cent-Associés) has known the establishment of a feudal type regime. The lords had immediately put in place their parasite type domination, sitting down their monopolistic-bureaucratic position, with the help of the profits extracted from fur trade which the king of France gave them the monopoly of.

b) Serfdom and the seigniorial system were abolished in 1854, in words only because peasants had to buy back their liberty at a high price, which the majority couldn’t afford to, instead they started paying a regular rent. This situation lasted until 1935 and the Syndicat National du Rachat des Rentes Seigneuriales (National Syndicat for the Buying Back of Seignorial Rents).

III The dual development of English Canada

a) The English part of Canada has seen a large settlement colonization, on the basis of a qualified immigrated peasantry establishing farms. English capitalism, already strongly running, made Upper Canada its trade hub. What will become Ontario formed the starting point for the general development of the capitalist mode of production in Canada, formed by the reunion of Upper and Lower Canada with the other British colonies in North America, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

b) Capitalism which developed itself in the English part under English imperialism contained an essential contradiction: a contradiction between a free peasantry by definition producing a free capitalism and a bureaucratically formed bourgeoisie with the role of intermediate for English imperialism exporting its capital.

IV The establishment of Canada under the aegis of English Canada itself integrated in the device of English imperialism

a) Upper Canada’s preponderance rests uppon the fact that it forms the English stronghold, as opposed to a french Lower Canada, France having lost this zone after the seven years war (1756-1763). After that, there’s the fact that it forms the fallback base of the British loyalists fleeing the United-States who conquered its independence. Finally, its the material base of the victory over the American invasion of 1812.

b) The Canadian regime developed itself in multiple constitutions. The Act of Union (1840) served as a basis for the development of the Canadian ideology, because it seeks to “unite” “both” Canada in a Province of Canada, both having to equally share an unequal debt and a parliamentarian representation. It’s in 1867 that the Dominion of Canada came into existence as a confederation, with the British North America Act, which will little by little result in today’s Canada, with its actual sharing of provincial-federal powers, new provinces coming into existence overtime. It’s only in 1982, with the repatriation of the constitution, that the judicial sovereignty of Canada is fully recognized in its relation to the England and that its English-Canada national bourgeoisie has sort of “acquired” its political independence to the United Kingdom, however accompanying an ever increasing capital influx from the United-States.

V French Canada’s dialectical relation to English Canada

a) The national English Canadian bourgeoisie didn’t revolt against England’s comprador bourgeoisie. There has been a double development, principal aspect being the domination of the comprador bourgeoisie, in alliance with the national bourgeoisie placed in a subordinated role.

b) Canada isn’t born out of a bourgeois democratic regime. It is born out of the domination of an oligarchy itslef born out of the top-bottom capitalist contributions from English imperialism. However, this aspect is somewhat balanced by a strong bottom-up capitalism produced by the historically free English peasantry. This historical compromise was only possible due to the looting of Québec.

VI French Canada’s own contradictions

a) The feudal class in Lower Canada (Québec) was integrated, not toppled. Therefore there was no immediate democratic outcome in its countryside, only a gradual transfer of land monopoly from feudal lords to the big bureaucratic-capitalist land owners.

b) Lower Canada’s feudal class became totally useless because capitalism was impulse by the Anglo-Saxons and could detach from it. Therefore, the feudal class diluted itself inside Québec’s bourgeois factions, mainly real estate developers, a new monopolistic layer.

VII The origins of French Canada’s own contradictions

a) English Canada’s capitalism didn’t systematize itself because it came by the top for a large part, hence some monopolistic aspects. Has it not happened, if capitalism really developed itself freely in Canada, then Québec, having backward productive forces and being held back by its feudal forms, would have been completely integrated, loosing all its characteristics.

b) The preservation of a feudal French Canadian infrastructure finds itself in the monopolistic character of English-Canadian capitalism. The consequence is the incapacity to get to a republican form and the preservation of the dominant classes by the means of four provincial framing, allowing an alliance between the English elite directly linked to English capitalism as well as the local capitalists and the French elite forming an aristocracy edifying top-bottom capitalism.

VIII Québec as a nation in formation

a) Québec’s existence despite English Canadian capitalism’s development only reflects its weaknesses. It inevitably leads, because of capitalist penetration into the feudal countryside, to the emergence of the national sentiment. Forming Québec national identity, there is its language, an established market, a particular economic life and a psychic situation born out of the French origins and Catholicism.

b) Because of the external capitalist penetration, Québec’s national affirmation only could emerge as deformed by religion and the peasantry, producing an idealistic romanticism. The feudal class was able to make profit out of it by using demagoguery, thus maintaining its position while accompanying capitalist development.

IX Positions in front of Québec as a nation in formation

a) English Canada tried to solve the French Canadian question from above, with the help of measures such as the interdiction for French people to buy land in the west of the country, the massive immigration used to recolonize Québec as an English-speaking territory, the integration of French-speaking « house negroes », an extreme provincialization, etc.

b) Because of the historically stuck up situation of French Canada, an uncommunist view of things could only lead to two things:

– a romantic dreaming of the past, wanting to go back or;

– a liberal dream of a cosmopolitan-stateless escape in the Canadian ideology and even American.

X The modernist crisis of Canada at the beginning second half of the 20th

a) The elevation of the productive forces broke the feudal domination. Quebec’s society was cut in half during the administrative period of Prime Minister Maurice Duplessis (1944-1959), an epoch known as “The Great Darkness”. The liberal-democratic faction rose to power and lead Québec to a “Quiet Revolution” (1960-1966). National sentiment rose, although romantic it nonetheless abandoned its feudal clothing. As a consequence there was massive excitation in the years 1960-1970, primarily worn by the petite-

b)  The total reconsideration of the balance of power between the United States and England since 1918 brought the generalisation of American imperialism in Canada. The pro-American faction of the Canadian oligarchy defeated the one aligned on England, as the nation bourgeoisie was weakened.

XI Québec in front of the historical challenge

a) French Canada is probably the most developed example of a bureaucratic capitalism, allowing exceptionally good standards of living and a powerful petite-bourgeoisie and labour aristocracy. Because of the high level of its productive forces, Québec also knows the same typical problems of advanced capitalist countries (24/7 capitalist corruption, strong petite-bourgeoisie in the cultural realm, labour aristocracy linked to trade-unions, etc.). It also suffers from a situation that puts it on a secondary and provincial level in the Canadian system.

b) The historical problem of Québec is that it’s always been lagging behind Canada’s modifications because of its historically backward situation. This situation is now however only there as a background to an advanced capitalism. Québec appears as the weak link not only in the Canadian device but also practically for the United States.

XII Québec’s national-democratic tasks: a historical significance

a) The only basis allowing equality between peoples of North America is socialism, itself coming from the popular-democratic effort. Because it is marginalised from Canada, itself being an annex of American imperialism, Québec represents the detonator for a Canadian and even American Popular Republican Union.

b) In Québec’s specific framework, the historical contradiction arises from the national-democratic affirmation, then generalises itself to the rest of Canada (even possibly the rest of North America and its other specific frameworks). Thus, the first task of democrats and revolutionaries from Québec is to display and pass on the national-democratic legacy, to keep it alive, study and defend its historical, social and cultural actors and to begging a historical-materialist study of the North-American situation, as to give birth to the popular and democratic movement able to strike a blow to North American imperialism. This leads either to a Democratic Union or to Québec’s independence.

Émergence de 12 thèses sur le Québec

I La situation particulière de l’Amérique du Nord dans son rapport à l’Angleterre

a) L’Amérique du Nord a posé un problème historique à l’Angleterre, qui avait dans un premier temps sous-estimé l’importance de la modernisation nécessaire pour maintenir sa domination coloniale et impériale sur des économies qualitativement plus avancées que, par exemple, celle de l’Inde. L’échec de l’Angleterre a mené à l’indépendance des treize colonies et la formation des États-Unis. 61 ans plus tard, les rébellions patriotes-démocratiques ont presque coûté à l’Angleterre une seconde indépendance, sur le territoire canadien cette fois.

b) L’Angleterre a pu relativement maintenir sa mainmise historique sur le Canada au moyen d’un compromis historique due à la configuration particulière du droit de propriété coupant littéralement le pays en deux. Le Canada n’existe pas de manière unifiée lors du processus de colonisation et les conditions historiques de la partie colonisée par la France étaient arriérées en comparaison à la partie anglaise. C’est un développement inégal qui va façonner le Canada.

II La situation particulière du Canada français

a) La partie française du Canada, colonisée sous l’égide de la Compagnie de la Nouvelle-France (également appelée la Compagnie des Cent-Associés) a connu l’établissement d’un régime de type féodal. Les seigneurs ont immédiatement mis en place leur domination de type parasitaire, asseyant leur position monopolistique – bureaucratique, notamment au moyen des profits du commerce de la fourrure dont le roi de France leur a donné le monopole.

b) Le servage et le système seigneurial sont abolis en 1854, formellement seulement puisque les paysans doivent racheter à haut prix leur liberté, ce que l’écrasante majorité n’est pas en mesure de faire, passant au paiement régulier d’une rente. Cette situation perdura jusqu’en 1935 et c’est le Syndicat National du Rachat des Rentes Seigneuriales qui lui mit fin.

III Le double développement du Canada anglais

a) La partie anglaise du Canada a connu quant à elle une vaste colonisation de peuplement, sur la base d’une paysannerie immigrée qualifiée établissant des fermes. Le capitalisme anglais, déjà puissamment lancé, fit du Haut-Canada sa plaque tournante. Ce qui deviendra l’Ontario forma le levier du développement général du mode de production capitaliste au Canada, formé de la réunion des Haut et Bas Canada avec les autres colonies britanniques d’Amérique du Nord, le Nouveau-Brunswick et la Nouvelle-Écosse.

b) Le capitalisme qui s’est développé dans la partie anglophone sous l’égide de l’impérialisme anglais contient une contradiction essentielle : celle entre une paysannerie libre produisant par définition le capitalisme sans entraves et une bourgeoisie formée de manière bureaucratique par son rôle d’entremetteur pour l’impérialisme anglais exportant son capital.

IV La mise en place du Canada sous l’égide du Canada anglais lui-même intégré dans le dispositif de l’impérialisme anglais

a) La prépondérance du Haut Canada s’appuie sur le fait qu’elle forme le bastion anglophone, à l’opposé d’un Bas Canada français, la France ayant perdu toute cette zone à la suite de la guerre de sept ans (1756-1763). Ensuite, il y a le fait qu’elle forme la base de repli des loyalistes britanniques fuyant les États-Unis ayant conquis leur indépendance. Enfin, c’est la base matérielle de la victoire sur la tentative d’invasion américaine de 1812.

b) Le régime canadien se développera dans plusieurs constitutions. L’Acte d’Union de 1840 servira de base de développement à l’idéologie canadienne, puisqu’elle entend « unir » les « deux » Canadas en une Province of Canada, comprenant le partage égal de la représentation parlementaire et une dette inégale des deux Canadas. C’est en 1867 que le Dominion du Canada voit le jour avec l’Acte d’Amérique du Nord Britannique, qui donnera petit à petit le Canada qu’on connaît aujourd’hui avec son partage actuel du pouvoir fédéral-provincial, de nouvelles provinces s’ajoutant au fil du temps. Ce n’est qu’en 1982, par le Rapatriement de la Constitution, que la souveraineté juridique du Canada est totalement reconnue par rapport à l’Angleterre et que la bourgeoisie nationale canadienne-anglaise a pour ainsi dire « acquis » son indépendance politique face à l’Angleterre, accompagnant toutefois une pénétration toujours plus accrue de capitaux en provenance des États-Unis sur son territoire.

V Le rapport contradictoire du Canada français au Canada anglais

a) La bourgeoisie nationale canadienne anglaise ne s’est pas révoltée contre la bourgeoisie compradore liée à l’Angleterre. Il y a eu un double développement, l’aspect principal étant la domination de la bourgeoisie compradore, avec une alliance avec la bourgeoisie nationale placée dans un rôle subordonné.

b) Le Canada ne naît pas sur la base d’un régime démocratique bourgeois, mais sur la base de la domination d’une oligarchie issue des formidables apports capitalistes par en haut de l’impérialisme anglais. Cet aspect est toutefois tempéré par un fort capitalisme par en bas issu de la paysannerie libre anglaise historique. Ce compromis historique n’a pu se réaliser que dans le partage d’un butin, qui a été le Québec.

VI Les contradictions propres au Canada français

a) La classe féodale du Bas Canada, c’est-à-dire du Québec, a été intégrée et non renversée. Il n’y a donc pas eu d’aboutissement démocratique dans les campagnes, seulement un transfert graduel du monopole terrien des féodaux vers les grands propriétaires capitalistes bureaucratiques.

b) Le rôle historique de la classe féodale du Bas Canada étant devenu inutile, le capitalisme impulsé par les anglo-saxons pouvait s’en défaire totalement, la laissant finir de se diluer dans les factions bourgeoises de la province québécoise, principalement celle des promoteurs immobiliers, nouvelle couche monopoliste.

VII L’origine des contradictions propres au Canada français

a) Le capitalisme du Canada anglais ne s’est pas systématisé, car lui-même a été impulsé par en haut dans une large partie, avec donc des aspects monopolistes. Si tel n’avait pas été le cas, si le capitalisme s’était réellement développé librement au Canada, alors le Québec arriéré dans ses forces productives, emprisonné dans ses formes féodales, aurait été intégré de manière complète, perdant toutes ses caractéristiques.

b) Le maintien d’une base féodale au Canada français trouve son origine dans le caractère en partie monopoliste du capitalisme du Canada anglais. La conséquence en est l’incapacité à parvenir à une forme républicaine et au maintien des couches dominantes au moyen de quatre encadrements provinciaux spécifiques, permettant une alliance de l’élite anglophone directement liée au capitalisme anglais, ainsi qu’aux capitalistes locaux, et l’élite francophone formant une aristocratie impulsant un capitalisme par en haut.

VIII Le Québec comme nation en formation

a) Le maintien du Québec malgré le développement du capitalisme canadien (anglais) ne fait pas que témoigner des faiblesses de celui-ci. Il aboutit inéluctablement, par de par la pénétration capitaliste dans les campagnes féodales du Québec, à l’émergence du sentiment national. À la langue et au territoire s’est associé l’établissement d’un marché avec une vie économique particulière, s’ajoutant à la formation psychique fondé sur l’origine française et la religion catholique.

b) De par la pénétration capitaliste d’origine extérieure, l’affirmation nationale du Québec ne pouvait être que déformé par le prisme de la religion et de la paysannerie, produisant un romantisme idéaliste. Les couches féodales ont pu profiter de cela pour user de démagogie afin de maintenir leurs propres positions tout en accompagnant la pénétration capitaliste.

IX Les positionnements face au Québec comme nation en formation

a) Le Canada anglais tenta de régler la question du Canada français par en haut, au moyen de mesures comme l’interdiction aux Français d’acheter des terres à l’Ouest du pays, la venue d’immigrants pour une recolonisation anglophone du Québec, l’intégration de « nègres de maison » francophones, une provincialisation extrêmement marquée, etc.

b) De par la situation historiquement coincée du Canada français, une lecture non communiste ne pouvait aboutir qu’à une volonté romantique d’aller en arrière ou bien inversement un désir libéral cosmopolite-apatride de pratiquer la fuite en avant dans l’idéologie canadienne, voire américaine.

X La crise moderniste du Canada du début de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle

a) L’élévation des forces productives a fracassé la chape de plomb féodal. La société québécoise se scinde durant la période d’administration de premier ministre Maurice Duplessis (1944-1959), la « grande noirceur ». La fraction libérale-démocratique l’emporte et mène au Québec la « révolution tranquille » (1960-1966). L’émergence d’un sentiment national, romantique mais ayant abandonné ses oripeaux féodaux, en est la conséquence, provoquant une importante agitation dans les années 1960-1970, portée par la petite-bourgeoisie principalement.

b) La remise en cause complète des rapports de force entre les États-Unis et l’Angleterre à partir de 1918 amena parallèlement une généralisation de l’emprise de l’impérialisme américain sur le Canada. La fraction pro-américaine de l’oligarchie canadienne l’emporta toujours plus sur celle liée à l’Angleterre, alors que l’essor de la bourgeoisie nationale canadienne s’est affaiblie sous la pression. Cette affaiblissement n’est toutefois que relatif, la bourgeoisie nationale (principalement canadienne-anglaise), qui s’est affirmée tout au long du 20e siècle grâce à la place laissée par l’impérialisme britannique, vient jouer un rôle d’avant plan, affirmant sa tendance monopoliste et même impérialiste par ses sphères reliées aux hydrocarbures et au secteur minier.

XI Le Québec face au défi historique

a) Le Canada français est peut être l’exemple le plus développé au monde d’un capitalisme de type bureaucratique, d’où une existence matérielle exceptionnellement très forte de la petite bourgeoisie et de l’aristocratie ouvrière. De par le haut niveau de développement des forces productives, le Québec fait face à la fois à des difficultés typiques des pays capitalistes avancés (24h/24 du capitalisme, petite bourgeoisie très puissante sur le plan culturel, aristocratie ouvrière liée aux syndicats etc.), mais également à une situation à la fois provincialiste et secondaire dans le dispositif canadien.

b) Le souci historique du Québec est qu’il a toujours été à la traîne par rapport aux modifications au Canada, de par sa situation historiquement arriérée. Ce caractère arriéré n’existe toutefois plus qu’à l’arrière-plan dans le cadre du capitalisme avancé. Le Québec apparaît comme le maillon faible non seulement du dispositif canadien, mais même pratiquement des États-Unis.

XII Les tâches national-démocratiques au Québec : une portée historique

a) La seule base pouvant permettre l’égalité des peuples en Amérique du Nord est le socialisme, qui lui-même doit venir de l’effort démocratique-populaire. De par sa mise de côté dans le dispositif canadien, lui-même une annexe de l’impérialisme américain, le Québec représente le détonateur pour une Union républicaine et populaire canadienne et même américaine.

b) Dans le cadre spécifique du Québec, la contradiction historique se pose par l’affirmation nationale-démocratique, avant de se généraliser au reste du Canada (voire de l’Amérique du Nord et de ses autres cadres spécifiques). Ainsi la première tâche des démocrates et des révolutionnaires québécois est d’arborer et de transmettre l’héritage nationale-démocratique, de le faire vivre, d’en étudier et d’en défendre ses acteurs historiques, sociaux comme culturels, ainsi que de débuter une étude matérialiste-historique de la situation nord-américaine, afin de mettre en branle le mouvement populaire démocratique ébranlant le dispositif impérialiste nord-américain. Cela conduit à une Union sur une base démocratique ou, sinon, à l’indépendance.

With people’s war, under the banner of MLM, facing the second general crisis of capitalism!

First of May, 2020 Declaration
MLM Center Belgium
, CPF (mlm)

We are entering the new era, one where everything will change in the most profound way, at all levels, in all areas. The strategic offensive of the world revolution has now its material basis to carry itself out in the fullest way.

This perfectly confirms the assertion of Mao Zedong, during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution launched in 1966, that humanity will experience upheavals like it has never known in the next fifty, hundred years. This confirms the assertion of the glorious Communist Party of Peru, led by Gonzalo, that the victory of the proletariat « will require, approximately, 200 years counting from the Paris Commune in 1871 ».

This is what has momentarily allowed the capitalist mode of production to relatively save itself which turns around in its opposite and comes to stab it.

Because this general crisis appears with covid-19, a disease in which the virus which produces it comes from a mutation directly resulting from contradictions developed by the capitalist mode of production: the contradiction between humans and animals on the one hand, the contradiction between town and countryside on the other.

Covid-19 is the product of a mutation made possible by the destruction of wildlife, its use by the capitalist market, as well as the formation of a livestock industry taking ever more horrible proportions on the scale world.

The capitalist mode of production has installed a so unnatural agro-industrial device that it causes disruption on the scale of life itself, on a planetary level.

The fact that the crisis started in China owes nothing to chance: this country has played a key role in the capitalist mode of production since its total integration into it under the aegis of the revisionist Deng Xiao Ping. Social-fascist China has helped to revive the capitalist mode of production, but its own development brings new contradictions, which are all the more explosive.

We affirm, on the First of May, 2020, that the capitalist mode of production is a complete obstacle to the development of humanity and to the enhancement of life itself. All the states which are at the service of the capitalist mode of production must be overthrown, so that humanity is able to establish socialist, dialectical and non-destructive relationships with all that forms the planetary Biosphere!

Strictly speaking, this problem has already appeared in a perfectly legible way with climate change. We even find it before with the animal question in parallel with the development of industrial farming and widespread animal testing. It is also the basis of the aggression against the human condition itself, since human beings are alienated and exploited, subjected to psychological and physiological pressures distorting them in the sense of capitalist utility.

If the capitalist mode of production developed the productive forces, which has been its historically positive role, it has now passed into the camp of destruction. It demolishes what the evolution of life has taken an immense time to develop, it distorts everything in order to integrate it into its own modalities.

It demolishes humanity, it demolishes animal life, it demolishes plant life, it demolishes the Biosphere. It advocates escapism into virtuality, into the futile consumer ego, into cynicism and selfishness, into abstractions no longer linked to reality. It produces decadence.

The concern is indeed that, at the same time as its negative aspect, it is the capitalist mode of production which ensures the reproduction of the life of humanity and the latter is therefore trapped in it in terms of values, mentalities, world view.

The cultural battle against the values carried by the capitalist mode of production is therefore essential.

In imperialist metropolises, where triumphs the 24 hours a day of capitalism, there must be a spirit of rupture at the height, an ability to be consistent to the end in the affirmation of communism. We underline thegrowing weight of subjectivity in imperialist metropolises and recall that revolutionary consciousness never emerges mechanically, but as a fracture with dominant values.

This aspect is also present in semi-colonial semi-feudal countries, although to a lesser extent, because instability takes precedence by definition in most of the countries of the world, which are experiencing a situation of dependence on the hard core of the mode of capitalist production which are the imperialist countries.

However, given the magnitude of the general crisis of capitalism that is opening up, the return of instability in the latter is inevitable and already appears. The global confinement has deeply shaken minds, it has broken many certainties, it has challenged many routines, it has devalued a whole series of traditions.

This is also true at the world scale. Humanity, of course, fluctuates between the idealistic hope of a hypothetical return to normal and the materialist understanding that the capitalist mode of production is at an impasse.

The higher the level of consciousness, the more there is the grasp that the current situation is the result of an evasive rush forward of the capitalist mode of production, which seeks to escape the tendency of the profit rate to fall by always finding more spaces to develop.

The covid-19 crisis then appears as a natural bulwark against the hallucinatory development of a capitalist mode of production which is global and destructive.

We affirm here that only a correct dialectical materialist understanding of the crisis can bring about a correct political and cultural orientation, naturally also of the ideological, scientific dimension.

Who does not use the concepts of Biosphere, who does not want to understand the dignity of the reality of the animal question, who has never grasped the scope of global warming, who does not use the contradiction between cities and countryside in his approach… can absolutely not capture our time.

We wish to emphasize that this is in no way a modification, a revision or a contribution to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. It is a use of existing concepts, a deeper understanding of them due to our times.

We note with sadness, moreover, that all of this is completely cleared out by the organizations claiming to be Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, when they should come to this by their very approach. It is true that, unfortunately, in recent years, two trends have dominated, leading straight into the wall.

The first trend, mainly grouping together all the organizations in America (North and South), wanted in an abstract-formal approach to make Gonzalo a classic of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, with a deny of the principle of guiding thought. A stereotypical style has led this tendency to negate the covid-19 crisis, to see it as a sort of bourgeois conspiracy to mask the crisis and strengthen political and police grip. Such a vision leads to total bankruptcy.

The second trend brings together organizations with a syndicalist-populist approach stemming from their “Marxist-Leninist” origin of the 1970s. It is always strange to see the Maoist Communist Party of Italy talking about people’s war when it already existed when the armed struggle was general in Italy, which seemed to it a simple anarchism. As for the other organization forming the core of this approach, the Revolutionary Communist Party of Canada, it openly assumes to consider that the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is a completely secondary fact, much less important for example than the Chinese revolution culminating in 1949.

It is hardly surprising that this trend has a lot to say, but that it is part of a syndicalist-populist approach, without any depth, without any scale. The emptiness of this approach is all the more obvious now.

We affirm that there are three lines in the movements claiming to be Marxist-Leninist-Maoist. There is the opportunist left line, which offers a turnkey ideology where Gonzalo would be the universal key to do anything one wants in its own way, which is leftism. There is the right opportunist line who wants to unite all the Maoists without any regard for ideological content. Finally, there is the correct line which makes the teachings of Gonzalo and the Communist Party of Peru the correct interpretation of Maoism and advocates the formation of guiding thoughts to go to people’s war.

This amounts to a two-line struggle, because the opportunist line on the right and the opportunist line on the left have the same anti-historical materialist and anti-dialectical materialist approach, as evidenced by the many noisy and picturesque, often ephemeral groups, oscillating between both, such as those structures that have already disappeared, like Jugendwiderstand in Germany, or also in the United States the Tampa Maoist Collective, the Red Guards Kansas City, the Red Guards Charlotte, the Red Guards Los Angeles, the Red Guards Austin, etc.

We for our part, with different forces, sought to develop another tendency, going in the direction of a real level in the field historical materialism, of a real ideological clarity, which goes hand in hand with the acceptance of the teachings of Gonzalo and the Communist Party of Peru. We consider that our 2013 joint document on the guiding thought is a very rich source of information. The refutation of Prachanda’s revisionism was carried out first by the CPF (mlm) and it is also a totally correct contribution.

It is very harmful that the international refutation of Prachanda did not continue politically until it was achieved in international unity. Here we must underline the harmful role of the Colombian UOC (MLM), which yesterday denounced the Maoist Communist Party of Italy as centrist and ultimately became one of its vassals.

It must be seen that the failure of the UOC (MLM) is all the more damaging since this organization had the qualities of its faults. It did not understand the concept of semi-colonial semi-feudalism and mistakenly considered its country, Colombia, as capitalist. This however reflected a very fine observation of the development of agro-industrial (bureaucratic) capitalism in its own country. The UOC (MLM) should have played a key ideological role in the current crisis, by the nature of it. But as it was haughty with the animal question and climate change,it did not grasp the contradiction between town and country adequately, it failed to make a qualitative leap which would have been of great value.

It is possible to think that the Communist Party of India (Maoist) could also have played here a very important role, because of the situation of India within the framework of the contradiction between town and countryside, of the historical culture existing in this country in relation to the animal condition. This Party, however, preserves its tradition of non-interference in the International Communist Movement, just like the Communist Party of the Philippines. These two parties have by the way always refuted Gonzalo’s teachings, like the TKP / ML of Turkey.

In any case, the problem of the assertion of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism can only have a concrete and not syndicalist, populist, semi-anarchist, etc. basis : this must be a concrete historical basis.

The basic problem in each country is the question of assimilating the principles of dialectical materialism and the concrete study of reality from revolutionary subjectivity recognizing the dignity of reality. This forms the basis for the generation of a guiding thought, orientation for the communist engagement in class struggles having, by definition, a national framework.

This movement of generation of guiding thoughts will experience a powerful development with the crisis. The bourgeoisie has no choice but to seek to make pay for it the oppressed countries, but also the proletariat of the imperialist countries. In the same way, the massive indebtedness of the States following the pandemic of covid-19 does not consist in any way of an accounting abstraction on the part of the central banks realizing a “creation” of money, but simply in a credit to the detriment of the proletariat .

The pressure is going to be enormous, dynamiting the neutralized relations between the classes due to the great wave of capitalist accumulation which started in the 1950s and was reinforced by the collapse of Soviet social-imperialism and the triumph of revisionism in China.

The class struggle will therefore not be limited to a conflict for a better distribution of wealth, as it was mainly the case for fifty years in the most advanced capitalist countries because of the relative nature only of the pauperization of the proletariat, allowing the formation of a powerful working class aristocracy. This process was relatively true in the oppressed countries as well.

The reason for this change is that the class struggle now knows the contribution of the contradiction between town and country, which gives it an explosive dimension. It reflects the planetary dimension of the revolutionary question, it plunges the capitalist mode of production into a contradiction with life itself, it reveals to the world its tendency to destructive absolutism.

And, since it is triumphant, the capitalist mode of production will storm the broad masses to try to get out of this general crisis.

It means the materialization of the most bitter class struggle due to an immense polarization within the framework of the class struggle whose framework is planetary both in form and in content of the crisis. The proletarian fabric will recompose, the confrontation between the classes will resume its authentic character, its substance being war, the battle for power.

This is an essential aspect to grasp the new period which is coming, and whose understanding will distinguish more than ever the authentic revolutionaries from the usurpers and this throughout the revolutionary process. This is the meaning of the MLM slogan: PEOPLE’S WAR UNTIL COMMUNISM!

The question is that of power. We need a state that is that of the masses, under the leadership of the working class. This state can only be born in war, in the overthrow of the old state and we see with the crisis of covid-19 how decadent, bureaucratic it is, ever more disconnected from reality and the masses.

The contradiction between State and society has been flagrant since the start of the health crisis, in all countries of the world. It is a constitutive aspect of the crisis as a product of the capitalist mode of production and its concrete embodiment. The decadence of the bourgeoisie, at the helm of the States, is as much the product of this crisis as its political and cultural, ideological manifestation.

The most fragile imperialist powers like France, Italy or Belgium have particularly marked the international opinion by their great weakness, leaving no more no less than the health crisis to settle in their country by taking measures only very late and in a largely insufficient way. The same is true in many countries of the world, whether in India where the government has literally given up confining the population due to the total disorganization of the country or even in most African countries, terrorized by the observation of their powerlessness.

This decline of the state apparatus also largely concerns the two superpowers of today, China and the United States. In China, where the covid-19 pandemic started, the state was particularly shaken in its expansionary impulse, despite an apparent capacity to manage in terms of health, which was actually of the police-military type. The United States finds itself deeply upset by a confrontation between federal authorities and state governors, recalling the situation of the 19th century, bringing the state back to instability in its very original foundations.

We affirm that the state question is central. The people must become the new state and that requires a very high level of organization and awareness. Whoever does not work in this sense has an anarchist approach, totally foreign to the principles of Bolshevism. Not a populist activity, but a basic work must be to carried, at the same time organizational and programmatic, so that a new State is constituted, violently breaking the old State, crushing it in all the fields, therefore also culturally and ideologically.

This poses, once again, the need for a guiding thought, for a correct understanding of national culture, popular mentalities, the historical course specific to a country. It is not a question of stopping, slowing down, framing, making regress the mode of capitalist production in each country, but to overpass it.

We insist on this principle of overpassing. Historical materialism, providing the concept of mode of production, underlines that History has a meaning and this meaning is integrated, in fact, in the universal movement of matter towards more complexity, more connections, more interpenetration .

A mode of production concerns the social life of Humanity and this social life always takes place in a concrete situation. This is why we cannot understand the covid-19 crisis without seeing that it is an aspect of the destructive development of the capitalist mode of production… Just as we cannot understand the covid-19 crisis without considering life on Earth as a Biosphere, an organized, moving, evolving whole.

This cannot be understood without the dynamics of the capitalist mode of production, which seeks to escape the downward trend in the rate of profit by the pressurization of wage labor, by the widening of its fields of intervention, by the imperialist war with here the background of the inevitable Sino-American conflict. This cannot be understood without grasping the nature of the overproduction of goods and the overproduction of capital, the dialectical relationship of which forms the hard core of the general crisis of capitalism.

And all this is expressed concretely, in each country, as a revolutionary contradiction with very specific aspects.

The unity of the authentic international communist movement, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, can only go through scientific exchanges on the concrete character of these aspects. We affirm the need for an international platform allowing access to each other’s perspectives on these concrete aspects.

This process is in any case inevitable, because revolutionary subjectivity breaks with the dominant ideology, inevitably tends to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, seizing the universal to return to the particular and develop the people’s war in the country having been the breeding ground for this subjectivity.

There can be no formal spread of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, this only produces an opportunism all the more folkloric in the trying to mask its real nature.

Long live proletarian Internationalism!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

People’s War until Communism!

Avec la guerre populaire, sous la bannière du MLM, face à la seconde crise générale du capitalisme !

Déclaration du premier mai 2020


Nous rentrons dans la nouvelle époque, celle où tout va changer de manière la plus profonde, à tous les niveaux, dans tous les domaines. L’offensive stratégique de la révolution mondiale dispose désormais de sa base matérielle pour se réaliser de la manière la plus pleine.

Cela confirme parfaitement l’affirmation de Mao Zedong, lors de la Grande Révolution Culturelle Prolétarienne lancée en 1966, comme quoi l’humanité connaîtra des bouleversements comme elle n’en a jamais connu dans les cinquante, cent années à venir. Cela confirme l’affirmation du glorieux Parti Communiste du Pérou, dirigé par Gonzalo, comme quoi la victoire du prolétariat « demandera, approximativement, 200 ans en comptant à partir de la Commune de Paris en 1871 ».

C’est ce qui a momentanément permis au mode de production capitaliste de relativement se sauver qui se retourne en son contraire et vient le poignarder.

Car cette crise générale apparaît avec le covid-19, une maladie dont le virus qui le produit est issu d’une mutation provenant directement de contradictions développées par le mode de production capitaliste : la contradiction entre les êtres humains et les animaux d’un côté, la contradiction entre les villes et les campagnes de l’autre.

Le covid-19 est le produit d’une mutation rendue possible par la destruction de la vie sauvage, son utilisation par le marché capitaliste, ainsi que la formation d’une industrie de l’élevage prenant des proportions toujours plus horribles à l’échelle mondiale.

Le mode de production capitaliste a installé un dispositif agro-industriel tellement contre-nature qu’il provoque des dérèglements à l’échelle de la vie elle-même, au niveau planétaire.

Que la crise soit partie de Chine ne doit rien au hasard : ce pays joue un rôle clef dans le mode de production capitaliste depuis son intégration totale dans celui-ci sous l’égide du révisionniste Deng Xiao Ping. La Chine sociale-fasciste a permis de relancer le mode de production capitaliste, mais son propre développement amène de nouvelles contradictions, qui se révèlent d’autant plus explosives.

Nous affirmons, en ce premier mai 2020, que le mode de production capitaliste est un obstacle complet au développement de l’humanité et à la valorisation de la vie elle-même. Tous les États qui sont au service du mode de production capitaliste doivent être renversés, afin que l’humanité soit en mesure d’établir des rapports socialistes, dialectiques et non destructeurs, avec tout ce qui forme la Biosphère planétaire !

Au sens strict, cette problématique est déjà apparue de manière parfaitement lisible avec le changement climatique. On la retrouve même auparavant avec la question animale parallèlement au développement des élevages industriels et de l’expérimentation animale généralisée. C’est également la base de l’agression contre la condition humaine elle-même, puisque les êtres humains sont aliénés et exploités, soumis à des pressions psychologiques et physiologiques les déformant dans le sens de l’utilité capitaliste.

Si le mode de production capitaliste a développé les forces productives, ce qui a été son rôle historiquement positif, il est passé désormais dans le camp de la destruction. Il démolit ce que l’évolution de la vie a mis un temps immense à développer, il déforme chaque chose afin de l’intégrer dans ses propres modalités.

Il démolit l’humanité, il démolit la vie animale, il démolit la vie végétale, il démolit la Biosphère. Il prône la fuite dans le virtuel, dans l’ego consommateur et futile, dans le cynisme et l’égoïsme, dans les abstractions sans plus aucun lien avec le réel. Il produit la décadence.

Le souci est en effet que, en même temps que son aspect négatif, c’est le mode de production capitaliste qui assure la reproduction de la vie de l’humanité et cette dernière est donc prisonnière de lui sur le plan des valeurs, des mentalités, de la vision du monde.

La bataille culturelle contre les valeurs portées par le mode de production capitaliste est pour cette raison essentielle.

Dans les métropoles impérialistes, là où triomphe le 24 heures sur 24 du capitalisme, il faut un esprit de rupture à la hauteur, une capacité à être conséquent jusqu’au bout dans l’affirmation du communisme. Nous soulignons le poids croissant de la subjectivité dans les métropoles impérialistes et rappelons que la conscience révolutionnaire n’émerge jamais mécaniquement, mais comme fracture avec les valeurs dominantes.

Cet aspect est également présent dans les pays semi-féodaux semi-coloniaux, même si de manière moindre, car l’instabilité prime par définition dans la majeure partie des pays du monde, qui connaît une situation de dépendance par rapport au noyau dur du mode de production capitaliste que sont les pays impérialistes.

Cependant, de par l’ampleur de la crise générale du capitalisme qui s’ouvre, le retour de l’instabilité dans ces derniers est inévitable et apparaît déjà. Le confinement mondial a puissamment ébranlé les esprits, il a cassé nombre de certitudes, il a remis en cause beaucoup de routines, il a dévalorisé toute une série de traditions.

Cela est d’ailleurs vrai à l’échelle mondiale. L’humanité oscille bien entendu entre l’espoir idéaliste d’un hypothétique retour à la normale et la compréhension matérialiste que le mode de production capitaliste est dans une impasse.

Plus le niveau de conscience est élevé, plus il y a la saisie que la situation actuelle est le fruit d’une fuite en avant du mode de production capitaliste, qui cherche à échapper à la chute tendancielle du taux de profit en trouvant toujours plus d’espaces pour se développer.

La crise du covid-19 apparaît alors comme un rempart naturel au développement halluciné d’un mode de production capitaliste mondial et destructeur.

Nous affirmons ici que seule une juste compréhension matérialiste dialectique de la crise peut amener une juste orientation politique et culturelle, sans parler de la dimension idéologique, scientifique.

Qui n’utilise pas les concepts de Biosphère, qui ne veut pas comprendre la dignité du réel de la question animale, qui n’a jamais saisi la portée du réchauffement climatique, qui n’utilise pas dans son approche la contradiction villes/campagnes… ne peut absolument pas saisir notre époque.

Nous tenons à souligner qu’il ne s’agit en aucun cas d’une modification, d’une révision ou d’un apport au marxisme-léninisme-maoïsme. Il s’agit d’une utilisation de concepts déjà existants, d’une compréhension plus approfondie de ceux-ci en raison de notre époque.

Nous notons avec tristesse d’ailleurs que tout cela échappe complètement aux organisations se revendiquant du marxisme-léninisme-maoïsme, alors qu’elles devraient aboutir à cela de par leur démarche même. Il est vrai que, malheureusement, ces dernières années, deux tendances ont dominé, menant tout droit dans le mur.

La première tendance, regroupant principalement l’ensemble des organisations d’Amérique (du Nord et du Sud), a voulu dans une approche abstraite-formelle faire de Gonzalo un classique du marxisme-léninisme-maoïsme, en niant au passage le principe de pensée-guide. Un style stéréotypé a amené cette tendance à nier la crise du covid-19, à y voir une sorte de complot bourgeois pour masquer la crise et renforcer l’emprise politique et policière. Une telle vision aboutit à une totale banqueroute.

La seconde tendance regroupe des organisations ayant une démarche syndicaliste-populiste issue de leur origine « marxiste-léniniste » des années 1970. Il est toujours étrange de voir le Parti Communiste Maoïste d’Italie parler de guerre populaire alors qu’il existait déjà lorsque la lutte armée était générale en Italie et qu’alors cela lui semblait un simple anarchisme. Quant à l’autre organisation relevant du noyau de cette approche, le Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire du Canada, il assume ouvertement de considérer que la Grande Révolution Culturelle Prolétarienne est un fait tout à fait secondaire, bien moins important par exemple que la révolution chinoise culminant en 1949.

Il n’est guère étonnant que cette tendance ait beaucoup de choses à dire, mais que cela relève d’une approche syndicaliste-populiste, sans aucune profondeur, sans aucune envergure. La vacuité de cette approche n’est que d’autant plus flagrante désormais.

Nous affirmons qu’il existe trois lignes dans les mouvements se revendiquant du marxisme-léninisme-maoïsme. Il y a celle opportuniste de gauche, qui propose une idéologie clef en main dont Gonzalo serait la clef universelle permettant de faire ce que l’on veut comme on veut, ce qui est du gauchisme. Il y a celle opportuniste de droite voulant unir tous les maoïstes sans aucun égard pour le contenu idéologique. Il y a, enfin, la ligne juste qui fait des enseignements de Gonzalo et du Parti Communiste du Pérou l’interprétation correcte du maoïsme et prône la formation des pensées guides pour aller à la guerre populaire.

Cela revient à une lutte de deux lignes, car la ligne opportuniste de droite et la ligne opportuniste de gauche ont la même démarche anti-matérialiste historique et anti-matérialiste dialectique, comme en témoigne les multiples groupes folkloriques et bruyants, souvent éphémères, oscillant entre les deux, telles ces structures déjà disparues comme Jugendwiderstand en Allemagne, ou encore aux États-Unis le Tampa Maoist Collective, les Red Guards Kansas City, les Red Guards Charlotte, les Red Guards Los Angeles, les Red Guards Austin, etc.

Nous avons de notre côté, avec différentes forces, cherché à développer une autre tendance, allant dans le sens d’un réel niveau quant au matérialisme historique, d’une véritable clarté idéologique, ce qui va de pair avec l’acceptation des enseignements de Gonzalo et du Parti Communiste du Pérou. Nous considérons que notre document commun de 2013 sur la Pensée-Guide est une source très riche d’enseignement. La réfutation du révisionnisme de Prachanda a été réalisé en premier par le PCF (mlm) et c’est également une contribution tout à fait juste.

Il est fort dommageable que la réfutation internationale de Prachanda ne se soit pas prolongée politiquement jusqu’à se réaliser en une unité internationale. Il faut ici souligner le rôle néfaste de l’UOC(MLM) de Colombie, qui hier dénonçait le Parti Communiste Maoïste d’Italie comme centriste pour devenir finalement un de ses vassaux.

Il faut bien voir que l’échec de l’UOC(MLM) est d’autant plus dommageable que cette organisation avait les qualités de ses défauts. Elle ne comprenait pas la notion de semi-féodalisme semi-colonialisme et considérait de manière erronée son pays, la Colombie, comme capitaliste. Cela reflétait toutefois une observation très fine du développement du capitalisme (bureaucratique) agro-industriel dans son propre pays. L’UOC(MLM) aurait dû joué un rôle primordial idéologiquement dans la crise actuelle, de par la nature de celle-ci. Mais comme elle a été hautaine avec la question animale et le changement climatique, elle n’a pas saisi la contradiction villes/campagnes de manière adéquate, elle a échoué à réaliser un saut qualitatif qui aurait été d’une grande valeur.

On peut se douter que le Parti Communiste d’Inde (maoïste) aurait également pu jouer ici un rôle très important, de par la situation de l’Inde dans le cadre de la contradiction villes/campagnes, de la culture historique existant dans ce pays par rapport à la condition animale. Ce Parti préserve cependant sa tradition de non-interférence dans le Mouvement Communiste International, tout comme le Parti Communiste des Philippines. Ces deux Partis ont d’ailleurs toujours réfuté les enseignements de Gonzalo, à l’instar du TKP/ML de Turquie.

De toutes manières, le problème de l’affirmation du marxisme-léninisme-maoïsme ne peut avoir qu’une base concrète, mais non pas syndicaliste, populiste, semi-anarchiste, etc. : cela doit être une base concrète historique.

Le problème de fond dans chaque pays est la question de l’assimilation des principes du matérialisme dialectique et de l’étude concrète de la réalité à partir de la subjectivité révolutionnaire reconnaissant la dignité du réel. Cela forme la base de la génération d’une pensée guide orientant l’engagement communiste dans les luttes de classes ayant, par définition, un cadre national.

Ce mouvement de génération des pensées guides va connaître un puissant développement avec la crise. La bourgeoisie n’a pas d’autre choix que de chercher à faire payer celle-ci aux pays opprimés, mais également au prolétariat des pays impérialistes. De la même manière, l’endettement massif des États consécutif à la pandémie de covid-19 ne consiste nullement en une abstraction comptable de la part des banques centrales réalisant une « création » d’argent, mais simplement en un crédit au détriment du prolétariat.

La pression va être gigantesque, dynamitant les rapports neutralisés entre les classes en raison de la grande vague d’accumulation capitaliste partie des années 1950 et renforcée par l’effondrement du social-impérialisme soviétique et le triomphe du révisionnisme en Chine.

La lutte de classe ne se bornera donc pas à un conflit pour une meilleure répartition des richesses, comme c’était principalement le cas pratiquement depuis cinquante ans dans les pays capitalistes les plus avancés en raison du caractère relatif seulement de la paupérisation du prolétariat, permettant la formation d’une puissante aristocratie ouvrière. Ce processus était relativement vrai dans les pays opprimés également.

La raison de ce changement est que la lutte de classes connaît désormais l’apport de la contradiction entre villes et campagnes, qui lui confère une dimension explosive. Elle reflète la dimension planétaire de la question révolutionnaire, elle plonge le mode de production capitaliste dans une contradiction avec la vie elle-même, elle révèle à la face du monde sa tendance à l’absolutisme destructeur.

Et, étant donné qu’il est triomphant, le mode de production capitaliste va partir à l’assaut des larges masses pour chercher à se sortir de cette crise générale.

Cela signifie la matérialisation de la lutte de classes la plus acharnée en raison d’une polarisation immense dans le cadre de la lutte des classes dont le cadre est planétaire tant dans la forme que dans le contenu de la crise. Le tissu prolétarien va se recomposer, l’affrontement entre les classes va reprendre son caractère authentique, sa substance étant la guerre, la bataille pour le pouvoir.

C’est là un aspect primordial pour saisir la nouvelle période qui s’annonce, et dont la compréhension distinguera plus que jamais les révolutionnaires authentiques des usurpateurs et ce tout au long du processus révolutionnaire. C’est le sens du mot d’ordre MLM : GUERRE POPULAIRE JUSQU’AU COMMUNISME !

La question est celle du pouvoir. Il faut un État qui soit celui des masses, sous la direction de la classe ouvrière. Cet État ne peut naître que dans la guerre, dans le renversement du vieil État et on voit avec la crise du covid-19 à quel point celui-ci est décadent, bureaucratique, toujours plus déconnecté de la réalité et des masses.

La contradiction État / société a été flagrante depuis le début de la crise sanitaire, et ce dans tous les pays du monde. C’est un aspect constitutif de la crise en tant que produit du mode de production capitaliste et son incarnation concrète. La décadence de la bourgeoisie, aux commandes des États, est tout autant le produit de cette crise que sa manifestation politique et culturelle, idéologique.

Les puissances impérialistes les plus fragiles comme la France, l’Italie ou la Belgique ont particulièrement marqué les esprits sur le plan international de par leur grande faiblesse, laissant ni plus ni moins que la crise sanitaire s’installer dans leur pays en ne prenant des mesures que très tardivement et de manière largement insuffisante. Il en va de même dans des nombreux pays du monde, que cela soit en Inde où le gouvernement a littéralement renoncé à confiner la population en raison de la désorganisation totale du pays ou encore dans la plupart des pays africains, terrorisés devant le constat de leur impuissance.

Cette décadence des appareils d’États concerne également largement les deux superpuissances actuelles que sont la Chine et les États-Unis. En Chine, d’où est partie la pandémie de covid-19, l’État a été particulièrement ébranlé dans son élan expansionniste, malgré une apparente capacité à gérer sur le plan sanitaire, qui fut en réalité de type militaro-policière. Les États-Unis se retrouvent quant à eux profondément bouleversés par un affrontement entre les autorités fédérales et des gouverneurs d’État, rappelant la situation du XIXe siècle, ramenant l’État à une instabilité dans ses fondements originaires mêmes.

Nous affirmons que la question étatique est centrale. Le peuple doit devenir le nouvel État et cela demande un très haut niveau d’organisation et de conscience. Qui ne travaille pas en ce sens a une démarche anarchiste, totalement étrangère aux principes du bolchevisme. Il ne faut pas mener une activité populiste, mais réaliser un travail de fond, à la fois organisationnel et programmatique, pour qu’une nouvel État se constitue, brisant violemment le vieil État, l’écrasant dans tous les domaines, donc également culturellement et idéologiquement.

Cela pose, encore une fois, la nécessité de la pensée guide, d’une juste compréhension de la culture nationale, des mentalités populaires, du parcours historique propre à un pays. Il ne s’agit pas en effet de stopper, freiner, d’encadrer, de faire régresser le mode de production capitaliste dans chaque pays, mais bien de le dépasser.

Nous insistons sur ce principe de dépassement. Le matérialisme historique, fournissant le concept de mode de production, souligne que l’Histoire a un sens et ce sens s’intègre, de fait, dans le mouvement universel de la matière vers plus de complexité, plus de liaisons, plus d’interpénétrations.

Un mode de production concerne la vie sociale de l’Humanité et cette vie sociale se déroule toujours dans une situation concrète. C’est pourquoi on ne peut pas comprendre la crise du covid-19 sans voir que c’est un aspect du développement destructeur du mode de production capitaliste… Tout comme on ne peut pas comprendre la crise du covid-19 sans considérer la vie sur Terre comme une Biosphère, un ensemble organisé, en mouvement, en évolution.

Cela ne se comprend pas sans la dynamique du mode de production capitaliste, qui cherche à échapper à la chute tendancielle du taux de profit par la pressurisation du travail salarié, par l’élargissement de ses domaines d’interventions, par la guerre impérialiste avec ici en toile de fond l’inéluctable conflit sino-américain. Cela ne se comprend pas sans saisir la nature de la surproduction de marchandises et la surproduction de capital, dont le rapport dialectique forme le noyau dur de la crise générale du capitalisme.

Et tout cela s’exprime concrètement, dans chaque pays, comme contradiction révolutionnaire avec des aspects bien spécifiques.

L’unité du mouvement communiste international authentique, marxiste-léniniste-maoïste, ne peut passer que par des échanges scientifiques au sujet du caractère concret de ces aspects. Nous affirmons la nécessité d’une plate-forme internationale permettant d’accéder aux mises en perspectives des uns et des autres quant à ces aspects concrets.

Ce processus est de toutes façons inévitable, car la subjectivité révolutionnaire rompt avec l’idéologie dominante, tend inéluctablement au marxisme-léninisme-maoïsme, saisissant l’universel pour revenir au particulier et développer la guerre populaire dans le pays ayant été le terreau de cette subjectivité.

Il ne peut pas y avoir de diffusion formelle du marxisme-léninisme-maoïsme, cela ne produit qu’un opportunisme d’autant plus folklorique pour masquer sa nature réelle.

Vive l’Internationalisme prolétarien !

Vive le marxisme-léninisme-maoïsme !

Guerre populaire jusqu’au communisme !

Centre Marxiste-Léniniste-Maoïste de Belgique

Parti Communiste de France (marxiste-léniniste-maoïste)

>> Retour à la page des documents du PCF (mlm)

The covid-19 crisis and the second general crisis of capitalism

The health crisis, which is at the same time an ecological crisis, cannot be separated from the general crisis of capitalism; everything actually comes together in a bundle of contradictions. The capitalist mode of production (CMP) has reached its limit and its crisis comes by itself, condemning it to death.

The termss of this new general crisis of capitalism are different from country to country, in accordance with the principle of unequal development. However, it leaves no other choice apart from imperialist war or revolution.

The birth of the concept of general crisis of capitalism

The concept of general crisis of capitalism was put in place by the Communist International from its foundation, in order to describe the decline of capitalism as the wave of the world revolution develops.

The assessment of this crisis was of course considered to be decisive in defining the tactics of each Communist Party, since the social changes, rapid and brutal, brought political turning points which had to be understood.

We find here anew the principle of uneven development. The Communist International had seen that the rising powers of the United States and Japan were spared the general crisis of capitalism, but that this could not last because Europe had collapsed. And if the Western European countries managed at first to neutralize the effects of the crisis by pressurizing workers as much as possible, in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, it was a collapse.

The Communist International had thus analyzed the situation well, especially since it announced from the start that we were going to a new world war between imperialists. On the other hand, it showed that it was very difficult to manage very different national situations in a centralized manner.

The situation after 1945

American capitalism had, in 1918, taken the place of Great Britain as the spearhead of the CMP. Taking advantage of its relative isolation, of its large territory, of constant immigration, of capitalism from below always renewed but already also of powerful monopolies, American capitalism succeeds in crossing a milestone in its development of accumulation.

American capitalism had in fact systematized approaches greatly improving productivity and consumption, notably with the large-scale industrial use of animals in food. It had widened the fields of consumption and production and this process managed to deepen more and more.

By exporting itself after 1945, this American capitalist model modernized capitalism and allowed a whole wave of capitalist growth in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s. The decolonization process was also misused by the CMP in establishing semi-feudal semi-feudal forms colonial in the majority of the countries of the planet, fully integrated in the CMP.

The USSR, which had become social-imperialist after 1953, integrated itself into the CMP, and the collapse of 1989 brought about an even more advanced capitalist modernization. The addition of Deng Xiaoping’s social-fascist China then greatly benefited the CMP.

Assessment of the situation after 1945

In the immediate post-war period, it was considered by the International Communist Movement that the situation was only an extension of the past. The needs of reconstruction were underestimated, but especially the leaps in the development of the capitalist mode of production (CMP).

It was not until the 1960s and 1970s that a new communist generation, uncorrupted by the previous capitalist development, was at the level of the deepening of the CMP. In semi-colonial semi-feudal countries, this was carried by a whole generation of leaders who understood how the CMP had used neo-feudalism to form bureaucratic capitalism from above maintaining a strong colonial dimension. These were the Siraj Sikder, Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, Akra Yari, Charu Mazumdar.

In the capitalist countries, it was the Red Army Fraction that inaugurated the 24-hour understanding of capitalism, the Italian Red Brigades following in its footsteps from the Metropolitan Political Collective who had similarly grasped the nature of this process .

The three interpretations of the general crisis of capitalism

There are three options for interpreting the general crisis of capitalism. The first is to say that the crisis began in 1917-1918 and has continued since. This option is unlikely, and Trotsky claimed that the productive forces had not grown since that date, what the Trotskyists still assume today. Bordigist leftist currents hold a similar discourse.

This is anti-dialectical and indeed does not even conform to what the Communist International said, which never raised unilaterally the question of the decline of capitalism. A development of a particular branch may very well exist in the midst of a general crisis. However, it is clear after 1945 that this is indeed a broad development and not at all a general crisis.

The second option is to suppress or neutralize the concept of the general crisis of capitalism. This is what most organizations have done, removing it in most cases, maintaining it formally, simply as a very rare rhetoric for example in basic texts.

The third option is to understand that the CMP developed well after 1945, but reached the limit. This is what is correct.

The invasion of covid-19 and the second general crisis of capitalism

The crisis of the capitalist mode of production (CMP) was expressed by the crisis provoked by the covid-19, because it was by a frenzied accumulation that the CMP was brought to reinforce its extreme pressure on the natural environments. The contradiction between natural reality and the CMP has been explosive. The consequence has been that the CMP, a reproduction of social life, is a partly stopped machine.

The economic crisis is therefore not added to the health crisis, as the ecological crisis is not parallel to the economic crisis. All of this is one and the same thing, a bundle of contradictions that can only be grasped concretely in the light of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, naturally when one has understood its real substance.

If the CMP was not decadent, it could face the health crisis – but it cannot, and in fact the health crisis would not have occurred dialectically if it was not decadent.

It is wrong to seek a source of the crisis in “the economy” before the health crisis or to summarize the crisis in covid-19. There is dialectically no cause and consequence, nor even before or after: there is a multifaceted unified phenomenon, the CMP.

The second general crisis of capitalism is a whole and one cannot abstractly separate the overproduction of goods from the industrial production of farm animals in the 1960s or the destruction of natural conditions in the 2000s.

The first moment: the petty bourgeoisie takes the blow

It is of course necessary to analyze in detail the modalities of the crisis, but we can see that with the outbreak of the health crisis and the ensuing containment, the CMP immediately faced a crisis of overproduction of goods. The distribution circuits being partially stopped, we have too much oil, too much electricity, too many flowers, too much bread. The baker can close his shop and hope to pass the storm. But flower producers have carried out destruction by the millions. Atomic power stations can be restricted in France, other means of electricity production slow down. But US oil stocks have gone so far as to be sold with a deficit.

These are only examples, of course, to indicate that depending on the sector, the break has not been the same. But it hurts very much in some fields. This is the reason for the ideology of rapid deconfinement. The bourgeoisie linked to the broken sectors is ultra-demanding, its pressure is enormous.

All sectors operating on a just-in-time basis due to a petty-bourgeois dynamic, such as the hotel industry, small businesses, small crafts, or even the industry of many sports such as football or hockey… have been stabbed by the health crisis.

The second moment: the tendency to deconfinement

The petty bourgeoisie is not a class, but a layer between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. It is logical that it was the first to know the initial blow. However, as the health crisis was severe, the changeover at the expense of one of the two classes was inevitable. This is the reason why the bourgeoisie as a whole tends to agree to the deconfinement.

It is afraid that social relations, so well framed, so well stabilized, could be affected, that this could lead to demands at its expense. It wants at all costs to avoid the recomposition of the proletarian fabric.

ir also considers that the breakage has been limited, that it’s possible to try to revive the “frozen” movements as quickly as possible. It is also very worried about the “abnormal” conditions of production and enlarged reproduction of capital. To this must be added the idea that a rapid upgrading would strengthen national capitalism in the context of global competition.

This conception of a confinement then of a deconfinement, possibly of a new confinement, then of a deconfinement, etc. comes up nevertheless against a whole series of obstacles.

And the problem is also that it’s necessary to have the means to do so. Then, there are also alliances requiring internal solidarity. Finally, there is the world market which is independent from the national market.

The third moment: the state infusion

The bourgeoisies quickly understood that the nationalist logic placed them before a possible catastrophic scenario: success could be achieved in parallel with a general collapse. This is especially true in Europe, where Germany with its Austrian satellite would gladly have sailed alone, with the Netherlands in particular, before realizing that its status as the main European power required it to maintain the European framework.

An Italian, Spanish, and even worse French collapse would plunge it into crisis itself. Hence the trend towards a state infusion in the economy. We are talking about hundreds and hundreds of billions here. All economic commentators have rightly spoken of “magic money” coming from the states to secure credits and infuse the economy.

It goes without saying here that it is the proletariat which will have to provide this magic money. In the first time the petty bourgeoisie took the shock, in the second the bourgeoisie wanted to revive directly, in the third it noticed the difficulties and intends to make the proletariat pay.

Overproduction of capital and overproduction of goods

The general crisis of capitalism is based on a dialectic between an overproduction of capital and an overproduction of goods. The latter has taken place and continues to take place. With a good part of the distribution channels blocked, with the impediment to leave home to go to consume conventionally, the goods accumulate without being sold.

By prolonging itself, the crisis acts so that the cycles of capitalist consumption were powerfully broken in places. It’s simply not possible to restart it by relying directly on day-1. Powerful imbalances will appear according to the sectors, with massive bankruptcies, and this will echo between sectors.

De facto, there is also a crisis of overproduction of underlying capital, because part of the economy being at a standstill, capital can no longer place itself, it is “in excess”. The idea of the states is to keep as much capital as possible where it is, coming to the rescue of big business. It is a question of maintaining the traditional poles of attraction of capital.

Maintaining the main activities and reviving them must prevent a freeze and scattering of capital. Here we can take advantage of the example of the first general crisis of capitalism to find out how it unfolds.

The uneven development of the general crisis of capitalism

During the general crisis of capitalism after 1917, some countries succeeded in making workers pay for the crisis in order to restart relatively, in the context of the decline of capitalism on a world scale. This was particularly the case in France and Great Britain, where the revolutionary momentum was quickly broken. The Communist Parties of these two countries have an isolated journey. On the other hand, this did not succeed in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe, provoking deep crises and the assertion of truly massive and combative Communist Parties.

We now have practically the opposite pattern. The countries of Eastern and Central Europe are experiencing great stability, either because of a strong CMP as in Germany and Austria, or because of a deep-rooted bureaucratic capitalism as in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, etc.

On the other hand, countries like Italy, Spain, France and England are hit hard. Their capitalism was already experiencing too many internal problems and the expression of the general crisis is directly linked to these. Concretely, a real push by the masses is enough for these countries to experience a crisis of the greatest magnitude.

France, the weak link

With Brexit, nationalism in Britain has a head start on the communist strategic proposal. Spain is experiencing massive internal dissensions where the national bourgeoisie, particularly the Catalan one, can pull the chestnuts out of the fire. Italy and France appear all the more as the weak link in the imperialist chain.

Italy is, however, trapped in a multitude of structural problems paralyzing any capacity for centralized political projection. There has been no real revolutionary base since the 1990s, whereas the far right has grown massively.

France, on the other hand, is experiencing a centralized crisis. The reactionary wave of “yellow vests”, an ultra-minority but very noisy movement reflecting the panic of the petty bourgeoisie, had already shaken social reality. The wave of strikes against the reform of pensions, with especially the rail workers, from the beginning of December 2019 to the end of February 2020, was a complete failure, but similarly destabilized social relations.

Here we find the situation after 1918, but this time with no possibility of exit. The Communist International was already seeing the contrast between the extremely ambitious objectives of French imperialism and its sinking base, with a largely parasitic capital already noted by Lenin. France then came out of it by its agrarian base and its immense petty bourgeoisie. This will not be possible this time.

It is just necessary to see the do i yourself of French capitalism. France has thus benefited greatly from the formation of a department, the Seine Saint-Denis, serving as an immigrant lever for the Paris base, causing a situation of massive third worldization. The presence of immigrant children sleeping in the streets of Paris, of drug addicts in the Paris metro, of bands of pickpockets on the Champs-Elysées … testify that the state is overwhelmed. The failure to have even masks for the population and even for health workers is the direct expression of a large-scale crisis.

Belgium in a bundle of contradictions

The situation in Belgium is both very similar and particularly different from that in France, with contradictions going mainly in the same explosive direction. The Belgian state has literally resigned from its responsibilities with regard to the application of confinement in certain districts, testifying to its decline as well as its contempt for the health of the population.

The state is in fact increasingly out of step with the broad masses. A very significant example is the pedestrianization of the historic center of Brussels, commendable in the abstract, but which in fact has proved to be a concrete basis for the increased development of anti-social behavior, from delinquency to drug trafficking, with groups of pickpockets or drug addicts going so far as to harass passers-by.

However, this example is placed in the midst of the North / South contradictions, Wallonia / Flanders, masses / State, proletariat / bourgeoisie, which intertwine and do not cease, in the absence of revolutionary solution, to cause a political collapse.

The necessary study of the general crisis of capitalism

There is a need to study the second general crisis of capitalism. It is necessary to study the aspects, the interrelations. It is a contribution that is inevitably necessary to find one’s bearings in an entirely new period, a revolutionary period.

We are entering the era of the masses and their journey follows dialectically the development of the general crisis of capitalism. Who is unable to understand the CMP, to grasp the modalities of its crisis, will be unable to lead the revolution.

La crise du covid-19 et la seconde crise générale du capitalisme

[This article in English]

[Article du prochain numéro de la revue internationale au format PDF Communisme.]

La crise sanitaire, qui est en même temps une crise écologique, n’est pas séparable de la crise générale du capitalisme ; tout se conjugue en fait dans un faisceau de contradictions. Le mode de production capitaliste (MPC) a atteint sa limite et sa crise vient de lui-même, le condamnant à mort.

Les modalités de cette nouvelle crise générale du capitalisme sont différentes selon les pays, conformément au principe du développement inégal. Elle ne laisse cependant aucun autre choix à part la guerre impérialiste ou la révolution.

La naissance du concept de crise générale du capitalisme

Le concept de crise générale du capitalisme a été mis en place par l’Internationale Communiste dès sa fondation, afin de décrire le déclin du capitalisme alors que se développe la vague de la révolution mondiale.

L’évaluation de cette crise était bien sûr considérée comme décisive pour définir la tactique de chaque Parti Communiste, puisque les modifications sociales, rapide et brutales, amenaient des tournants politiques qu’il fallait savoir appréhender.

On retrouve ici le principe du développement inégal. L’Internationale Communiste avait bien vu que les États-Unis et le Japon, puissances montantes, étaient épargnées par la crise générale du capitalisme, mais que cela ne pouvait pas durer car l’Europe s’était effondrée. Et si les pays de l’Ouest européen parvenaient dans un premier temps à neutraliser les effets de la crise en pressurisant au maximum les ouvriers, dans les pays d’Europe centrale et d’Europe de l’Est, c’était l’effondrement.

L’Internationale Communiste avait ainsi bien analysé la situation et cela d’autant plus qu’elle annonçait dès le départ qu’on allait à une nouvelle guerre mondiale entre impérialistes. Il s’avéra par contre très difficile de gérer de manière centralisée des situations nationales très différentes.

La situation après 1945

Le capitalisme américain avait, en 1918, pris la place de la Grande-Bretagne comme fer de lance du MPC. Profitant de son relatif isolement, de son grand territoire, d’une immigration constante, d’un capitalisme par en bas toujours renouvelé mais déjà aussi de puissants monopoles, le capitalisme américain réussit à franchir un cap dans son développement de l’accumulation.

Le capitalisme américain avait en fait systématisé des démarches améliorant grandement la productivité et la consommation, avec notamment l’utilisation industrielle de grande ampleur des animaux dans l’alimentation. Il avait élargi les champs de la consommation et de la production et ce processus parvint à toujours plus s’approfondir.

En s’exportant après 1945, ce modèle capitaliste américain modernisa le capitalisme et permit toute une vague de croissance capitaliste dans les années 1950, 1960, 1970. Le processus de décolonisation fut également dévoyé par le MPC en établissement de formes semi-féodales semi-coloniales dans la majorité des pays de la planète, totalement intégrées dans le MPC.

L’URSS devenue social-impérialiste après 1953 s’intégrait elle-même d’ailleurs dans le MPC et l’effondrement de 1989 amena une modernisation capitaliste encore plus avancée. L’ajout de la Chine social-fasciste de Deng Xiaoping profita alors énormément au MPC.

L’évaluation de la situation après 1945

Dans l’immédiate après-guerre, il fut considéré par le Mouvement Communiste International que la situation n’était que le prolongement de celle passée. Les besoins de la reconstruction furent sous-estimés, mais surtout les sauts dans le développement du mode de production capitaliste (MPC).

Il fallut attendre les années 1960-1970 pour qu’une nouvelle génération communiste, non corrompue par le développement capitaliste précédent, soit à la hauteur de l’approfondissement du MPC. Dans les pays semi-féodaux semi-coloniaux, cela fut porté par toute une génération de dirigeants comprenant comment le MPC avait utilisé un néo-féodalisme pour former un capitalisme bureaucratique par en haut maintenant une dimension coloniale prégnante. Ce furent les Siraj Sikder, Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, Akra Yari, Charu Mazumdar.

Dans les pays capitalistes, ce fut la Fraction Armée Rouge qui inaugura la compréhension du vingt-quatre heures sur vingt-quatre du capitalisme, les Brigades Rouges italiennes leur emboîtant le pas à partir du Collectif Politique Métropolitain qui avait pareillement saisi la nature de ce processus.

Les trois interprétations de la crise générale du capitalisme

Il existe trois options quant à l’interprétation de la crise générale du capitalisme. La première est de dire que la crise commence en 1917-1918 et qu’elle se prolonge depuis. Cette option n’est pas vraisemblable et Trotsky affirmait ainsi que les forces de production n’avaient pas progressé depuis cette date, ce que les trotskistes assument encore aujourd’hui. Les courants gauchistes bordiguistes tiennent un discours similaire.

Cela est anti-dialectique et d’ailleurs même pas conforme à ce que disait l’Internationale Communiste, qui n’a jamais abordé la question du déclin du capitalisme de manière unilatérale. Un développement d’une branche particulière peut très bien exister au milieu d’une crise générale. Toutefois, on voit bien après 1945 qu’il s’agit bien d’un large développement et pas du tout d’une crise générale.

La seconde option est de supprimer le concept de crise générale du capitalisme ou de le neutraliser. C’est ce qu’ont fait la plupart des organisations, le supprimant dans la plupart des cas, le maintenant formellement, simplement comme très rare rhétorique par exemple lors de textes fondamentaux.

La troisième option est de comprendre que le MPC s’est bien développé après 1945, mais a atteint la limite. C’est cela qui est correct.

L’irruption du covid-19 et la seconde crise générale du capitalisme

La crise du mode de production capitaliste (MPC) s’est exprimée par celle provoquée par le covid-19, car c’est par une accumulation forcenée que le MPC a été amené à renforcer sa pression extrême sur les milieux naturels. La contradiction entre la réalité naturelle et le MPC a été explosive. La conséquence en a été que le MPC, reproduction de la vie sociale, est une machine en partie enrayée.

La crise économique ne s’ajoute donc pas à la crise sanitaire, pas plus que la crise écologique serait parallèle à la crise économique. Tout cela relève d’une seule et même chose, d’un faisceau de contradictions qu’on ne peut concrètement saisir qu’à la lumière du marxisme-léninisme-maoïsme, évidemment quand on en a compris la réelle substance.

Si le MPC n’était pas décadent, il pourrait affronter la crise sanitaire – mais il ne le peut pas, et en fait la crise sanitaire n’aurait eu dialectiquement pas lieu s’il n’était pas décadent.

Il est erroné de chercher une source de la crise dans « l’économie » avant la crise sanitaire ou de résumer la crise au covid-19. Il n’y a dialectiquement pas de cause et de conséquence, ni même d’avant ou d’après : il y a un phénomène unifié aux multiples aspects, le MPC.

La seconde crise générale du capitalisme est un tout et on ne peut pas séparer abstraitement la surproduction de marchandises de la production industrielle d’animaux de ferme dans les années 1960 ni de la destruction des conditions naturelles des années 2000.

Le premier moment : la petite-bourgeoisie encaisse le coup

Il faut bien sûr analyser en détail les modalités de la crise, mais on peut voir qu’avec l’irruption de la crise sanitaire et le confinement s’en suivant, le MPC a immédiatement fait face à une crise de surproduction de marchandises. Les circuits de distribution étant en partie stoppés, on a trop de pétrole, trop d’électricité, trop de fleurs, trop de pain. Le boulanger peut fermer sa boutique et espérer passer l’orage. Mais les producteurs de fleurs ont procédé à des destructions par millions. Les centrales atomiques peuvent se restreindre en France, les autres moyens de production d’électricité ralentir. Mais les stocks de pétrole américains ont par exemple été jusqu’à se vendre avec du déficit.

Ce ne sont que des exemples, naturellement, pour indiquer que selon les secteurs la cassure n’a pas été la même. Mais elle fait très mal par endroits. C’est là la raison de l’idéologie du déconfinement rapide. La bourgeoisie liée aux secteurs cassés est ultra-revendicatrice, sa pression est énorme.

Tous les secteur fonctionnant à flux tendu de par une dynamique petite-bourgeoise, comme l’hôtellerie, les petits commerces, les petits artisanats, ou même l’industrie de nombreux sports comme le football ou le hockey… ont été poignardés par la crise sanitaire.

Le second moment : la tendance au déconfinement

La petite-bourgeoisie n’est pas une classe, mais une couche entre bourgeoisie et prolétariat. Il est cohérent qu’elle ait été la première à connaître le coup initial. Cependant, la crise sanitaire étant d’ampleur, le basculement aux dépens d’une des deux classes était inévitable. C’est la raison pour laquelle la bourgeoisie dans son ensemble a tendance à être d’accord pour le déconfinement.

Elle a peur que les rapports sociaux, si bien encadrés, si bien stabilisés, puissent être touchés, que cela aboutisse à des revendications à ses dépens. Elle veut à tout prix éviter la recomposition du tissu prolétarien.

Elle considère de plus que la casse a été limitée, qu’on peut chercher à relancer au plus vite les mouvements « gelés ». Elle est d’ailleurs très inquiète des conditions « anormales » de production et de reproduction élargie du capital. Il faut ajouter à cela l’idée qu’une remise à niveau rapide permettrait de renforcer le capitalisme national dans le cadre de la concurrence mondiale.

Cette conception d’un confinement puis d’un déconfinement, éventuellement d’un nouveau confinement, puis d’un déconfinement, etc. se heurte toutefois à toute une série d’obstacles.

D’ailleurs, il faut avoir les moyens de le faire. Ensuite, il y a des alliances exigeant une solidarité interne. Enfin, il y a le marché mondial qui est indépendant du marché national.

Le troisième moment : la perfusion étatique

Les bourgeoisies ont rapidement compris que la logique nationaliste les plaçait face à un scénario catastrophe possible : réussir pourrait se faire parallèlement à un effondrement général. C’est surtout vrai en Europe, où l’Allemagne avec son satellite autrichien aurait bien menée seule sa barque, avec les Pays-Bas notamment, avant de s’apercevoir que son statut de principale puissance européenne lui imposait de maintenir le cadre européen.

Un effondrement italien, espagnol, et pire encore français, la plongerait elle-même dans la crise. D’où la tendance à une mise en place d’une perfusion étatique dans l’économie. On parle ici de centaines et de centaines de milliards. Tous les commentateurs économistes ont à juste titre parlé d’un « argent magique » provenant des États pour assurer des crédits et perfuser l’économie.

Il va de soi ici que c’est le prolétariat qui devra fournir cet argent magique. Dans le premier temps la petite-bourgeoisie a encaissé le choc, dans le second la bourgeoisie a voulu relancer directement, dans le troisième elle s’est aperçue des difficultés et compte faire payer le prolétariat.

Surproduction de capital et surproduction de marchandises

La crise générale du capitalisme repose sur une dialectique entre une surproduction de capital et une surproduction de marchandises. Cette dernière a bien eu lieu et elle continue d’avoir lieu. Avec une bonne partie des circuits de distribution bloquée, avec l’empêchement de sortir de chez soi pour aller consommer classiquement, les marchandises s’accumulent sans être vendus.

En se prolongeant, la crise fait que les cycles de la consommation capitalistes ont été puissamment cassés par endroits. On ne peut tout simplement pas redémarrer en se fondant directement sur J-1. Des déséquilibres puissants vont apparaître selon les secteurs, avec des faillites massives, et cela va faire écho entre secteurs.

De facto, il y a également une crise de surproduction de capital sous-jacente, car une partie de l’économie étant à l’arrêt, le capital ne parvient plus à se placer, il est « en trop ». L’idée des États est de maintenir le plus de capital possible là où il est en venant à la rescousse des grandes entreprises. Il s’agit de maintenir les pôles d’attraction traditionnels du capital.

Le maintien des activités principales et leur relance doit empêcher un gel et un éparpillement du capital. On peut ici profiter de l’exemple de la première crise générale du capitalisme pour savoir comment cela se déroule.

Le développement inégal de la crise général du capitalisme

Lors de la crise générale du capitalisme après 1917, certains pays ont réussi à faire payer la crise aux travailleurs pour redémarrer de manière relative, dans le cadre du déclin du capitalisme à l’échelle mondiale. Ce fut notamment le cas en France et en Grande-Bretagne, où l’élan révolutionnaire a été rapidement brisé. Les Partis Communistes de ces deux pays ont un parcours isolé. Cela n’a par contre pas réussi dans les pays d’Europe de l’Est et d’Europe centrale, provoquant des crises profondes et l’affirmation de Partis Communistes réellement massifs et combatifs.

On a désormais pratiquement le schéma inverse. Les pays d’Europe de l’Est et d’Europe centrale connaissent une grande stabilité, soit en raison d’un MPC puissant comme en Allemagne et en Autriche, soit en raison d’un capitalisme bureaucratique profondément enraciné comme en Tchéquie, en Slovaquie, en Pologne, en Hongrie, etc.

Par contre, des pays comme l’Italie, l’Espagne, la France et l’Angleterre sont frappés de plein fouet. Leur capitalisme connaissait trop de problèmes internes déjà et l’expression de la crise générale se conjugue directement avec ceux-ci. Il suffirait concrètement d’une réelle poussée des masses pour que ces pays connaissent une crise de la plus grosse ampleur.

La France, maillon faible

Avec le Brexit, le nationalisme a en Grande-Bretagne une longueur d’avance sur la proposition stratégique communiste. L’Espagne connaît des dissensions internes massives où les bourgeoises nationales, notamment celle catalane, peut tirer les marrons du feu. L’Italie et la France apparaissent d’autant plus comme le maillon faible de la chaîne impérialiste.

L’Italie est cependant prisonnière d’une multiple de problèmes structurels paralysant toute capacité de projection politique centralisée. Il n’y a plus de véritable base révolutionnaire depuis les années 1990, alors que l’extrême-droite s’est massivement développée.

La France, par contre, connaît une crise centralisée. La vague réactionnaire des « gilets jaunes », un mouvement ultra-minoritaire mais très bruyant et reflétant la panique de la petite-bourgeoisie, avait déjà ébranlé la réalité sociale. La vague de grève contre la réforme des retraites, avec surtout les cheminots, de début décembre 2019 à fin février 2020, a été un échec complet, mais a pareillement déstabilisé les rapports sociaux.

On retrouve ici la situation d’après 1918, mais cette fois sans possibilité de sortie. L’Internationale Communiste constatait déjà le contraste entre des objectifs extrêmement ambitieux de l’impérialisme français et sa base en perdition, avec un capital largement parasitaire déjà remarqué par Lénine. La France s’en était alors sorti par sa base agraire et son immense petite-bourgeoisie. Cela ne sera cette fois pas possible.

Il suffit de voir les bricolages du capitalisme français. La France a ainsi largement profité de la formation d’un département, la Seine Saint-Denis, servant de levier immigré à la base parisienne, provoquant une situation de tiers-mondisation massive. La présence d’enfants immigrés dormant dans les rues de Paris, de toxicomanes dans le métro parisien, de pickpockets en bandes sur les Champs-Elysées… témoignent que l’État est dépassé. L’incapacité à disposer ne serait-ce que de masques pour la population et même pour le personnel soignant est l’expression directe d’une crise de grande envergure.

La Belgique dans un faisceau de contradictions

La situation en Belgique est à la fois très similaire et particulièrement différente à celle d’en France, les contradictions allant principalement dans la même direction explosive. L’État belge a littéralement démissionné de ses responsabilités quant à l’application du confinement dans certains quartiers, témoignant de sa décadence comme de son mépris pour la santé de la population.

L’État est en fait en décalage toujours plus complet avec les larges masses. Un exemple tout à fait significatif est la piétonnisation du centre historique de Bruxelles, louable abstraitement, mais qui dans les faits s’est révélé une base concrète pour le développement accru des comportements anti-sociaux, depuis la délinquance jusqu’au trafic de drogues, avec des regroupements de pickpockets ou de toxicomanes allant jusqu’à harceler les passants.

Néanmoins cet exemple se retrouve au milieu des contradictions nord/sud, Wallonie/Flandres, masses/Etat, prolétariat/bourgeoisie, qui s’entremêlent et ne cessent, en l’absence de solution révolutionnaire, de provoquer un effondrement politique.

L’étude nécessaire de la crise générale du capitalisme

Il est nécessaire de procéder à l’étude de la seconde crise générale du capitalisme. Il faut en étudier les aspects, les interrelations. Il s’agit d’une contribution qui est inévitablement nécessaire pour parvenir à se repérer dans une période entièrement nouvelle, une période révolutionnaire.

On rentre dans l’époque des masses et leur parcours suit dialectiquement le développement de la crise générale du capitalisme. Qui est incapable de comprendre le MPC, de saisir les modalités de sa crise, sera incapable de diriger la révolution.